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Thread: old flames..please advice..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    old flames..please advice..

    I've been taking advices that realy helped me from this site.
    Anyways I returned a friend with the guy I had crush with and I feel happier this way because we really fit as a friend more than more than friends..

    However, this guy who's my best friend is the guy who helped me get over some guy who was so bad to me and who made me feel very depressed for six months in row. the reason is I loved this guy so much and he acted very weird, he would stalk me send me gifts, talk to me and disappear and this lasted for six damn months that I was barely able to make it..

    But you know then I made it and I got over him, we stopped talking and everything was fine..lately he tried to talk to me through messenger and I thought I was already over him (maybe I was tricking myself) and my best friend adviced me to ignore him. but I didnt listen and thought what I'm doing are harmless conversations with him.

    Anyways at sunday I left the work with that guy who's my best friend and that old lover saw us together and I thought its ok because this guy is my best friend and that I wasnt dating with that old lover.

    The next day I met the guy on the messenger and he sent me a message saying
    "I feel sad about you.."

    and I replied "feel sad about your self, at least I know what I want in this life. I'm honest, determind and has values"

    and so he replied "hahahaha, honest...this was a nice one"

    so I told him "yes ofcourse honest. at least I was honest with you for the very last moment. but you enjoyed it murky, gray"

    and he said "dont dare and say honest again..you know whatever..bye"

    he closed I sent him a message to his mobile telling him we still need to talk..he didnt reply so I sent him..ok whatever I'm sick of you and he replied

    "Your true colors started to show, SICK!"

    I felt bad, I spent the whole last night awake..I feel bad because this is the guy I loved and he made me suffer so much and for him I would give up my life..and just I dont know..

    when my friends got to know, they are surrounded me..some shared friends (who I am closer to) told me he is an ass and he will soon know that he lost the most awesome woman on earth...
    Some laughed and told me he doesnt even worth it..
    and my best friend told me "ignore him" and then he told me "oh btw, he is preparing you a gift and he asked for my help"

    I need an advice..please..

  2. #2
    pdubu's Avatar
    pdubu Guest
    Can you put up with his harsh insults ? I mean, they WERE through texts. And honestly, I don't take emphasis through texts all too seriously. Anyway, just have a smooth talk with him. Let things play itself out, and you'll know what you want to do afterward.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    he doesn't give me chance to talk..he closed all ways to reach him.. This is sad

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Ok I bet I dont know I made a mistake..I called he closed so I sent a message saying "I'm sorry if I made a mistake..anyways I wanted to tell you I do care but I promise not to annoy..have a good life"

    and he replied "soz..I'm busy I cant talk now..smell you later n btw dw "

    what is that?

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