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Thread: If women ruled the work force...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    If women ruled the work force...

    Ok~so today was another example why male bosses just suck ass. They can't nor don't see just how much hard work females put into their work. This kinda goes into the whole "underappreciated" thread by Breezy.

    But my beef is this~WHY cant a man just accept that a woman CAN do a job with 100% and be grateful for what we do bring to the workplace, variety, caring, stabilty of being there! Countabilty, dependabilty, reliable, etc. I mean, geezuz, I go to work every damn day, go in even when my son was home ALONE sicker than a dog, I go to work when my own health is going to the shitter, work in conditions that are NOT helping mine. But I go.

    I respect MY position and what I offer to our patients. When I am gone for 2 days thats when I get appreciated. And Im not there to hear it. Because I KNOW how to run the damn office without him there. WHY or HOW hard would it be to take some control or take some of the blame when his business isnt going the way he wants? Oh he sets the rules, and the protocols, I am there to follow through with those, and wow to no avail, when things go down, its my fault. He admits that he will NEVER take the blame.

    I have worked for 3 male dentists, and they all act the same. ASSHOLES, unappreciative asswhipes. CLASS A BUTT****ERS. So I was thinking knowing how I act and treat people, and being a boss myself at one time of 20 something people, how or why is it that a man thinks he is so much damn better? Certainly cant be because he has a dick, because from where I sit, he's got no damn balls.

    Hmmm! I admit I have a bad day now and then, but holy hell already, its like men think theyre never wrong, and theyre always right, they have the right to treat women like dirt. K~heres another thought?

    WHY is it that women work the front desk and not men? Why because we are more passionate, caring , and understanding? WHAT? What gives a man a right to treat us like shit?

    I just wonder what the work force would be like if the tables were reversed? If more women were controlling, well its changing, just not fast enough. If I wanted to be treated like shit Id go work the shit removal company.

    I just dont get this, this has baffled me for years, why male bosses act the way they do, I have yet to have worked for a male boss who wasnt a jerk. WAIT WAIT when I was managing Subway, the owner was great! Maybe its just my profession, I dont know any other women have problems or issues with their male boss?
    everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    You said it firly! My boss isn't too bad, but sometimes I'm completely invisible to him. He'll come in and no good morning, or how are ya, or **** you very much! NOTHING!!!!
    Sometimes I don't think he even knows what I bloody well do around the office. But the manager there is an over weight, over bearing, over PAID asshole!!!! He is of the old school where men are smarter than women and anyone with breasts can't POSSIBLY have brains. Who knew they could go together???? I'm SO bloody sick of being talked down to like I don't have a freakin clue what the hell he's talking about. Truth be told I know a hell of a lot more than him!!!! But he's not prejudiced. He treats all the women in the company equally bad! Idiot!!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Well, MCPs we call them (male chauvinist pigs). It's just bad luck that you got such horrible bosses I guess... But to me I really don't see why gender should have anything to do with aptitude. Maybe when it comes to selection of employees etc., males would have a slight edge, which can be considered understandable. Like in Singapore it is harder for a girl to enter medicine school as opposed to a guy because the government here sponsors quite a bit of locals' education and they don't want their money to go down the drain when the girl gets married and ends up not working anymore. (It happens A LOT here, though I think that's about to change with cost of living getting higher and higher and therefore more families having to have both parents working)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    GB, that's unbelievable. I would hope that if a woman becomes a doctor and decides to start a family, that she can return to doctoring as soon as the baby is old enough to be looked after by daycare. (Whenever that is as decided by the parents). Why should the "mother" be the one to stop work because they want to start a family? Here in Canada the government has instituted a "paternity" leave. This is where the man takes time off instead of the woman. Heck, I think it's a great idea. If the woman has a great job that she can't afford to be away from for that long, what's wrong with the guy taking the time and caring for their baby for the first year or so? Gender should have nothing to do with job opportunities, government subsidies, earnings OR the amount of respect you are given. It's just sad that there are so many men still out there who think women have no place in the work force. Or at least, have no brain for it.
    Last edited by Breezy18; 28-08-04 at 10:28 PM. Reason: typing too fast....:P

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I think its the attitude they posses while working with us. And or its because of the field i am in, and its been my experience. I mean with three male dentists and all having the same crappy attitude it makes me wonder. Yes I respect the fact they busted their ass in obtaining their degree, but that doesnt give them the right to treat their staff like shit. The turn over rate in all 3 offices where such that they needed to hire a new person every 6 months, and this is in all three offices I have worked. These dentists are so difficult to work for, its like at times you have to have a metal shield on ready to go into combat.
    everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I think you may be on to something Squirt.....I work in a tire shop, a predominantly male field, so I guess I have to expect that. BUT the farmers and truckers who come in are actually usually MORE respectful than some of the men I work with. And I'm not one of these "girly girls" who can't lift a freaking truck tire or get my hands dirty. No way! I get in there and get dirty just like the rest of them. I am office staff, but if there is work to be done, I just do it. Unlike, that fat lazy manager who holds up the counter most of the time. Imbecile.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I think its just bosses and managers in general, I've always had bosses like that, but I just tell them "shove it up your fat ass and get back in that bloody office and let us do our job or you can do it yourself"

    you'll be surprised how words to this effect can quickly make them change their mind

    though just be careful how you word it, different bosses need to be told in different ways otherwise your going to get yourself fired.

  8. #8
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    Nov 2003
    Ive told my boss to "**** off", Ive said "Its never good enough for you, it's never a win situation either", Ive walked out and slammed his office door. Ive done lots of things and said lots of things. You have to have a damn back bone and let them know you cant be treated like that, and things are fine for those few days after, but then it starts all over again. The best is when you get your ass chewed out, you defend yourself cause youre right, and he knows it, but then turns around and kisses your ass like nothing was said to you.
    everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    well yes, it is a constant power struggle in the workplace. Just have to keep at it. At least you know after you tell him/her where to go, your going to get a few days peace.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Perhaps it's not a "male/female" thing but the fact that the bosses are arrogant because they have a PhD and feel they are above any "assistant" they could have.

    Rod Steele

  11. #11
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    i'll tell you this for sure, you'll never catch me at any front desk because i'd probaby give you the wrong directions. raverboy
    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    There's no or not much paternity leave in Singapore, though it's set to change soon. And with the very recent change in government in Singapore, maybe the percentage of girls in medicine faculty in university would be closer to 50% in time to come.

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