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Thread: girlfriend calling me her friend?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    girlfriend calling me her friend?

    I got into a fight with my girlfriend because she told me she was going to come out here for 4 days and ended up only staying one day as she lives with her still legally married husband (she's trying to go through divorce).

    We got into a big argument and I said I wasted my time coming out there if she was only going to stay one day, at first it was a big fight then we sorta made up and made love then by morning, she told me "be my friend" becauses she said it hurts less to think of me as a friend and wants me to get help and a job first (I got laid off) before worrying about her.

    the next few days after that, she would say "I love you" then I told a friend she broke up with me and she got upset saying "I never broke up with you" and going through severe moodswings. She'll sit on cam or call me if I don't call her which means she wants to talk to me.

    When I said I was her boyfriend to her, she said "your my friend for now" "focus on a job".

    This isn't the first time she called me her friend, when I had some medical problems and we fought back in September, she called me her friend for about a month and a half and slowly things got better and she was back with me.

    Is my girlfriend trying to completely get rid of me or do you think she genuinely wants me to focus on fixing my life?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    I don't think she wants to get rid of you.. but she is being a drama queen, and playing some kind of emotional blackmail game with you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    She lied to you in the past about much more serious issues, and you are taken aback when she spends one day with you as opposed to keeping her word? She's married, she doesn't want to view you as a boyfriend, she likely doesn't want anyone to know you exist.

    You are both batshit crazy and deserve one another (and that's putting it mildly).

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