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Thread: should I stay...or go?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    should I stay...or go?

    Me and my boyfriend have been dating for three years now, hes my best friend and I love him. The only problem is that he is a jerk to me sometimes. This situation happened a couple of days ago. I have mentioned the previous day that we should watch a movie and build a gingerbread house the following day. Well the day came and I bought the house kit and rented the movie and went over to his house. When I got there he told me he was going to eat dinner with his friend(me & this friend don't get along) I was mad but he went, saying I'll be back in a few hours(he left around 3pm) so I sat at his house. Well three hours comes, 5 hours comes, 7 hours comes, all the while I'm trying to get ahold of him, but no answer(he never answers me when with this friend). So finally I leave leaving him a note saying, "I waited as long as I could." So I'm in my bed trying to fall asleep and I get a text from him, "I staying at(friends) house, talk to you tomorrow". Well the next day came and I tried calling him, no answer. I saw his truck leave(we live across the street from each other). Well I tried reaching him several times throughout the night, but nothing so I went to bed again not knowing why he won't answer. But again I get a text at about 1 am saying sorry, we'll hang to tomorrow promise". I don't know what to do, because this isn't the first time this has happened, its been several times before. Help me, should I stay with him or finally say goodbye?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    It seems that he thinks your at his beck and call. When he says 'I'm going to see this friend, I'll be back around 5' then you say 'well i've got plans at half 4'. It will mean you won't see him as much at first, but wait and see what happens when he realises that it's not just him in your life

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Does he know that this bothers you? When this happened previously, did you talk with him about it? That doesn't excuse his insensitivity regarding this occurrence. Just trying to get to the bottom of it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    oh yeah he knows it bothers me, he completely ditches me and usually doesn't even care well talk about it but he will always somehow make me the one at fault

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    I dont know...kinda hard but why dont you find a better man who treats you well...seriously talk to him if he isnt willing to change then move on you deserve to be treated better

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Break up with that guy immediately. He's an asshole.
    Spammer Spanker

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    I wouldnt be able to deal with that.

    If you make plans, you make plans and unless something really unforseen happens you stick to them.

    Yes, you do need to do your own thing, but to not answer your calls etc is just not on, you can always find time.

    If it were me, easier said then done I know, I would try to find someone who wants me.

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