Hi everyone,My name is Yannick and i'm 20 years old.A year ago i met a girl who is 4 years younger than me.After we met a few times at parties,... i started to talk to her more often on msn,facebook,..when i had the time i also went jogging with her and her friends,i really didn't know what to do at the time because she was 15 and i was 19(now she's 16,and yeah it's legal here for and adult to date someone who is 16,ofcourse someone who is like 30 dating a 16 year old is just wrong,but 16 and 20 is okay i think),it was also because my friends kept rubbing it in my face that she was 4 years younger than i am and also because my ex-girlfriend was pretty mad at me because she heard i had a crush on her.A little while later i stopped having contact with her because i had the feeling she only saw me as a friend nothing more,and i just had to forget about her.Until i met her again 2 weeks ago...

So 2 weeks ago i met her at a bar and when she saw me she smiled ,so i bought her a drink and we talked for a while before she went back to her friends ,Occasionally she looked at me the same time i looked at her.Some time later i bought her another drink and just before i wanted to go back to my friends she grabbed my hand and thanked me while she already thanked me 30 seconds earlier,so before she went home she came to me to say goodbye,she was standing really close to me (our lips almost touched a couple of times while we were talking),she also touched my arm and hand randomly while talking to me,and just before she left she gave me a big kiss on my cheek.Now because of that night all of my feelings for her came back,and i really don't know what to do.Maybe i should just stay away from her...thx for reading this long text