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Thread: Oil & Water

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Oil & Water

    A funky little story i wrote about myself one night.

    Oil & Water

    Once upon a time, a boy shined so that he illuminated in the hearts and minds around him. In the unknown land of freedom; deception and truth lay the purity of the sun. The moments spent here began to form more and more questions. Now asking himself; who, what, where, when, why and how. The light that shined in him began to from a crust, covering the star a child truly is. He began to develop a tampered paradigm he would live in for the rest of days.

    There lay a three dimensional boy moving about his fourth dimension, reality and time. Eventually a day came that the boy realized what death meant for his destiny and all whom he cared for. I consider this to be the first selfless act of love a person has, for their self and other people. As time went on, many tragic events ensued, with each loss the boy only found he grew stronger. Carrying with him the ones he missed. Time flowed on without the boy having anyone he felt was congruent with him. Placing value on the attributes of other people, he began to conform with his culture. The same social programing he would try to live without later on.

    Through lack of understanding in the knowledge he had been faced with, he began chase his tail. Failing to accept or correctly interpret what others told him he sought by relative means to measure the world. Through compare and contrast of opposites, he began to see he was measuring the same thing. Rather than knowing about one side, he would seek to understand the dualism as one. Further separating his mind and environment from one another. He began to apply his equations, models, methods, formals, concepts and conscience. With the tools but no familiarity of their use he began to spiral towards the corruption that consumes.

    He decide to try satisfying his wants and needs by indirect means instead of the direct intention he had all his life. Through an act of destiny, the boy found a girl whom he would idealize. The very image of this girl in his mind allowed him to physically move forward, regardless. This is when he first understood that the angels and demons we face are inside like anger, fear, hate. The overzealous excitement of joy, happiness, and love could reside in him whenever he so chooses but it could control him too. Through next to no interaction with this young lady he was able to lift the weight off his life, achieving a runners high. Her voice opened his ears and through that kiss his voice. Eventually her face faded away, but the integrity and etiquette stayed.

    I remember my unveiling very specifically, my eyes were opened was while on the greatest of journeys. The simple freedom of moving without direction towards a destination that had always been present simply filled me with love. A universal illusion made sense from reality's prospective. The sky was illuminated with the essence of greater purity and it sank into everything around me. The sense of unlimited understanding and endless possibilities revealed itself to me. As my mind tried to make sense of the same environment and young man I was. I began to see everything in a much different more deep dynamic way. At this moment I made a conscious decision to make aware all that I care about, setting out to change others. I wont lie, this failed miserably for a number of reasons. The simple truth being, you can only change yourself.

    I was lost as ever, in the best shape of my life, mentally, physically and emotionally. I found after many months of mingling a beautiful girl who seemed to flow with the greater essence. Her names being purpose and natural. This young lady presented him with wonderful music, scenery and feelings. Her attributes and qualities made her beautiful and her negative traits seemed superficial. As with any great endeavor it too would run its course. I would take accountability for all my wrongdoings and seek to understand the mistakes. As history repeats itself I would never want to repeat that kind of loss.

    When all was said and done, I had finally developed my model of the world. I had defined the words I wanted to use and what they meant to me. The concept that I stand under the words I speak, so why not understand the words said. The day I knew what I wanted to say, is the day I had nothing at all to say. I was finally a teacher striving to be a better student. I had cracked the surface on the crust that had enveloped, finally shining light again. Realizing the maximum potentials in all, I began to heal myself. A wave of moderation and balance calibrated the tool I judged with, creating the mechanism I use so naturally.

    I finally understood that change begins with the self is both direct and indirect. But to bring change in others is by indirect means, if they know your changing them they will be inclined to resist. I once flowed like water, now I was fluent like oil. So began the adventure of finding more beautiful minds to admire and be admired by. Whoever should do so mustn't flow like the waters of life, rather with the viscosity of oil, as the remains of past life and lives past.

    The love of freedom will bring you love. Creativity and spontaneity keep concentration from turning into fixation. They also help expand the understanding and possibilities of fate, taking its control over you away and helping you define your own destiny, path and purpose. Seek to evaluate the old, expand into the new but mainly enjoy the moment. Don't just exist, do something with yourself, and you may do something much more for others.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    mind = blown

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    clever title. Me gusta

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