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Thread: I like someone, a lot... but still not over her.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    I like someone, a lot... but still not over her.

    I've posted my story here before since then i'd say i'm about 35-40% over her. It's not a high percentage but a month ago it was at 0 so quite a bit of progress.

    So there was this girl I had met during that time while I was seeing "Jennifer." I liked this girl and thought she was great and she had interest in me. So much so that she actually asked me out (in a casual way of course).. My heart kind of jumped at that because this was a really desirable woman and perhaps because of my own heart being involved I didn't pick up on any prior signals that she had interest in me beyond friendship. So I turned her down politely even though I did want to say yes.

    I still kept in contact with her, as a friend, but now those feelings I had for her are starting to develop to the point where I would like to move forward a little bit. The problem is that i'm not at the point where I can comfortably move forward without looking back. How do I push Jennifer out of my mind so that I can start anew with this other girl, who is gorgeous, funny, and best of all, completely single and unattached.
    Be careful with your heart, because when someone seems too good to be true, they usually are.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    just do a casual thing...dinner and a movie...nothings wrong hanging out with someone...sooner or later you have to go out there and meet different people...as for me i am seeing 2 different girls and 3 that i am talking too...as long as they know where your coming from it should be a breeze

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Time will do it, but probably nothing else.
    Spammer Spanker

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    What I fear is getting involved with this girl for the sake of being attatched to someone/getting over heartbreak. Reason being is that this girl is more than just some girl to me. I'm seeing some great qualities in her that I overlooked when I was seeing Jennifer and I want her to be more than just a rebound girl.
    Be careful with your heart, because when someone seems too good to be true, they usually are.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    This is similar to what happened with my ex bf.
    We ended things last friday because he told me he thought he wasnt over his ex after weeks of me suspecting ans even asking him, to which he always replied that he was happy and everything was fine.

    He told me that towards the end he thought he might still be in love with her and that he always thought they'd get back together and thats what he had wanted but was torn becuase he felt that what if he could have something more with me and he was ruining it.

    This tore me apart and I miss him so much. Its crazy cos in reality we werent together really that long (7 months) but I completely fell for him and I thought he did for me too. He was telling me he loved me etc. He still texts but I'm not sure if he's cos he still has feelings for me or cos he feels guilty.

    My last text to him was that he needed to decide if he actually wanted to get over his ex or remain alone in self pity and loneliness thinking about what if. Thats my advice to you.

    As the 'new girl', I would say as long as you are honest and tell her the important details of your last relationship and that you want to take things slow if you're serious about her, and that you actually WANT to get over your ex for real, then I'm sure everything will be fine.

    The last thing you want is to go too fast and then realise she has more feelings for you than you for her becuase you're still hung up over your ex.

    good luck with everything and I hope everything works out.

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