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Thread: I'm cheating oh him because I don't ant him to cheat on me first

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    I'm cheating oh him because I don't ant him to cheat on me first

    Am I a horrible person for liking two guys?
    It's a long story, so please don't be judgmental.
    I met my friend, Chris during my first week in college back in september; we kind of hit it off and started something but then he never called me for about three weeks. During those three weeks I met my current boyfriend and got involved in this serious relationship with him that includes all the obligations of meeting friends/family and trying to spend time together in spite of the fact that i live pretty far.
    Now Chris called me back and I realized I still have some feelings for him and I can't let go of them that easily. I am going to a party with him tonight as friends only, he knows I didn't like the fact that he never called until now so he wants to start from scratch.
    I will get drunk, I know that, and that's the main reason why I'm going, not because I need sex or anything like that. Also I have a lot more fun with Chris than with my current boyfriend but Chris doesn't want what I want in a relationship so it's kind of frustrating.
    I'm still going to that party, my boyfriend knows I'm going but he doesn't know about my situation with Chris.

    I'm very confused

    I should mention that my current boyfriend, the one with whom I have a serious relationship with is always in contact with his ex-girlfriend who cheated on him. They're still friends, she wants him back even though she cheated on him. He forgave her because she " made a mistake although it was intentional" WTF

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    ------Troll alert!!!------

  3. #3
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    *Sets up the "Do Not Cross" Police tape*
    "The weakest soul, knowing its own weakness, and believing this truth that strength can only be developed by effort and practice, will, thus believing, at once begin to exert itself, and, adding effort to effort, patience to patience, and strength to strength, will never cease to develop, and will at last grow divinely strong."

    - James Allen

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Really now.

    This is not something I can ask a friend, I thought posting this on forums would help me. Got anything better where I can get an insightful reply? Don't link to yahoo answers because the stuff people post there is incredibly stupid

    So far I got a
    "you have a pproblem with drinking"
    and a
    " you don't really sound all that confused.

    its easy, bang chris, keep your boyfriend. but dont ****ing tell the boyfriend about banging chris...see, thats the pivotal part of this scenario."
    which honestly just made me laugh

  5. #5
    qwertz's Avatar
    qwertz is offline Chav hater
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    Pfffft, its women like you that give us a bad name.

    Dont be judgemental?!..when you post on a forum, you are opening yourself up to be judged.

    Why dont you just dump you bf, f*ck the other guy, get dumped by him, and then get on with being the whore you obviously want to be.
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

  6. #6
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    You really don't have any problem. Either you are an honest person, or you're not. You can come clean with these guys, and be a good person, or you can keep him in the dark and be a skank. Your choice.

  7. #7
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    Oct 2008
    I don't see a problem here... actually you're what I call a "self-correcting problem."

    If you're honestly coming to a forum on the internet to ask for advice on how to properly cheat and if you should cheat before your bf does... then you lack the mental capacity to maintain any relationship at all. So, eventually neither man will want to be with you and you'll be alone. You may even be alone for life, and probably not breed... or be one of those that has as "accidental" pregnancy and gives the child up for adoption --- and away from your self-destructive ways.

    So, I say... give it a go... do both men... be careless... It's what you're wanting permission to do anyway.
    "The weakest soul, knowing its own weakness, and believing this truth that strength can only be developed by effort and practice, will, thus believing, at once begin to exert itself, and, adding effort to effort, patience to patience, and strength to strength, will never cease to develop, and will at last grow divinely strong."

    - James Allen

  8. #8
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    if you are confused on who to pick, i say it's best to be single. so then it saves a lot of hurt feelings.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]so you lost a limb but hell, you will heal in time.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perryville View Post
    You can come clean with these guys, and be a good person, or you can keep him in the dark and be a skank. Your choice.
    Perryville gave you the only answer you need.

    In life you **** the person you want to ****. If there's two, choose one and trust your decision. If you got it wrong, leave the first, start with the second.
    It's not complicated.

    In 15 years time you'll be crying to your friends about discovering your husbands mistress. It'd be nice if one of those friends had this thread printed on their t-shirt.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Nesa, I believe your not confused but your obsessed about Chris.
    The time you met your BF that you have now, you needed to be around a guy.
    I'm the same way, I always wanted to be around women because I called it a hobby.
    But while I was with them, I would only messed with them if I wasn't in a relationship because of karma.
    In your case, I know what your looking for out of Chris but even though you believe that your BF might cheat on you first, you got 2 choices;
    Cheat on your BF and await for your BF to find out soon enough to have a shitload of drama awaiting.
    tell your BF that you want a break and then see Chris without any worries. This will also have your BF think about going back to his ex.

    But do you care about your BF much?
    To be or not to be?

    Is that the question?

  11. #11
    girl68's Avatar
    girl68 is offline little person, big mouth
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    I pretty much agree with most posts.

    -You got rejected by your first choice guy so you settle up with second choice.
    -First choice comes back and you're going to a party with him... not to get drunk to see Chris. Stop lying.
    -You don't even really like your bf all that much. But you can't leave him now because *shock* you've met his parents. Oh yeah another reason you can't break up with your bf is becasue you can't have your first pick guy.
    -News flash child- there's more than 2 guys in the world.
    -Oh and then she justifies all this by saying well he might cheat on me with his ex- so I'm going to first.

    **face palm**

    I think you know exactly what you want you just don't want to it.

    You *should* dump your bf, f**k Chris and not beg to be his teeny booper gf.
    What you'll probably do
    -go to the party
    -lie about who or what you're doing there
    -get stupidly wasted
    -get taken advantage of (though it isn't if you secretly want and crave to be kissed, fondeled and f**ked) by Chris
    -you'll lie again to you bf about this
    -you won't feel bad because you think it's okay to cheat when you suspect your bf might cheat on you.
    -Oh then you'll start crying because Chris will leave you for another 3 weeks until his blue balls get the best of him.

  12. #12
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    I loved my ass off when I read that ^ .
    "The weakest soul, knowing its own weakness, and believing this truth that strength can only be developed by effort and practice, will, thus believing, at once begin to exert itself, and, adding effort to effort, patience to patience, and strength to strength, will never cease to develop, and will at last grow divinely strong."

    - James Allen

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Jesus, how do some people justify this kind of thing?

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Am I the only one who just got a wave of Jerry Springer flashbacks?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    ^ apparently, morals and integrity are subjective. I have a feeling that some poor soul is going to end up on this forum because of her...

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