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Thread: Should I stay with him??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Should I stay with him??

    First off, I have never done anything like this before so i apoligise in advance if it comes out as a giant rant and about my spelling!

    My boyfriend and I have been together for nearly 9 months and as far as I was concerned things were pretty much perfect. He is the only guy that I have dated that has treated me like i'm worth something (i've been with some real losers!)

    However, last week he kissed another girl during a drunken night out with his friends. Since then we have done nothing, but have huge arguments. And everytime we make up, he promises that things will be better this time and that if I just give him one more chance he'll prove it to me. But of course we find something else to argue about!

    Since it happened, he has just stopped making me feel special. Like tomorrow is his last exam, so I was thinking perfect, we can actually spend some quality time together without you worrying about how much revision you have to do. Instead, he is going out clubbing 2 days in a row to the club he kissed the girl in.

    I just don't know what to do!!! I don't want to lose as I love him so so so much, but i'm beginning to lose faith in our relationship, especially as I feel that it is only me fighting for it.

    Does kissing even count as cheating?

    Should I just hope things improve since his exams are over and he hasn't got that pressure anymore?

    I know you can't answer these questions for me, but maybe someone can offer advice, or has a similar story??

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Kissing does count as cheating, although I think everyone deserves at least one second chance. He might be going clubbing because you guys are fighting so much right now, and he either wants to release some tension, or get away from you a bit. You're probably fighting because of built up tension between you two. Even though you've forgiven him, I suspect you're still hurt and a little mad. He's still ashamed and feels guilty. Put the two together, and you get sparks.

    It's probably a good thing to get a little space from each other for a few days. You should call up some girlfriends and go out yourself.
    The secret of success is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake those, you've got it made. - Groucho Marx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    All talk and no action.

    Is he going to drink at this club? You were thinking of spending quality time together. Did you verbalize this to him? Both of you must work at the relationship, him more so than you because he committed the wrongdoing. If he is unwilling, then the best thing would be to break up.

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