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Thread: I want my ex gf back

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    I want my ex gf back

    Hi there,

    About three weeks ago my gf broke our 8 month old relationship by an email. I was a little surprised by it, though I noticed she wasn't as happy as she used to be, but I thought it had other reasons then me. I was in shock and asked her by mail if there was someone else, she respondend No! I tried to convince her to take me back a couple times by email and by phone, and she said the first few times that she would think about it, but I shouldn't count on it. Later she replied that she didn't see any future between us, because I did not have an opinion about things (but I do), I like to hold her to much (what she doesn't like).

    About a week later she told me she was going to watch a movie with some new male friends at one of them at home, and that she was enjoying going out. I reacted that I did not like that but I can't stop her from doing that. She also told me that she was going to invite those friends to her new house and give party's, when she moves this march.

    Now it's three weeks later and I haven't spoke my gf for about a week now. I'm every day online on msn but she isn't, I gues she blocked me. I'm wondering what to do now? I'm thinking of writing her an email tomorrow, just to ask how she is doing with her new study and if she allready has the key to her new house, and that I'm doing fine. Is that a good idea?

    As told, I still have her on msn, should I block her as well? I also got hyves (some kind of facebook), where you can see if someone has a relation or not. She changed her from day 1 to single (what I didn't like), and mine is still on having a relation.
    Should I change this as well?

    Hope someone can give me some advice, cause I like this girl so much.. she even met my 7 year old kid from a previous relation back in december. Oh yeah, we differ 12 years in age, she is 22 and I'm 34.

    Hope to hear some advice from you guy's/galls

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Seattle, WA
    She's being intentionally cruel to you by rubbing in your face the fact that she's moving on faster than you are.

    Stop talking to her, don't e-mail her, don't call her, don't text her. No contact, period. Move on with your life because there's nothing that will piss a woman off more than knowing she has no more affect upon your emotions. Delete your Hyves account, unfriend her, don't talk to her. She's obviously being a bitch to you because you let her, and she's getting off on hearing you say that you don't like that she's doing this things.

    Oh, and do yourself a favor. Go see a therapist about why you involved yourself with someone 12 years younger than yourself. Likely you have issues that you need to address personally before you go finding another serious relationship to attempt to commit to. She used you for a bit of stability, and then ditched your ass. In fact, I wonder if why she ditched you was because she felt you were trying to control her life...
    "Well, then," the Cat went on, "you see a dog growls when it's angry, and wags its tail when it's pleased. Now I growl when I'm pleased, and wag my tail when I'm angry. Therefore I'm mad."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Yes, she is being cruel, but I think she is doing that so that I'll move on with my life faster.
    When I stop talking/communicating with her we will lose contact cause we will pretty far away from each other, and I really want her back.

    Thanks for replying Lite, hope someone else wants to share his/her opinion about this as well

    Update: she is on msn now, but she hasn't said anything for about 45 minutes now, and I don't want to be the first to say hello...hmmm stupid this
    Last edited by manhood; 09-02-10 at 07:08 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Dude, this relationship is over. Don't try to get her back, don't text or message her, DO NOTHING. Get on with your life, and look for someone else.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    It's over. She's moved on. She broke up with you be e-mail, for God's sake. Stop calling her your girlfriend and move on with your life.
    Spammer Spanker

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