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Thread: Is it truly possible...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Is it truly possible...

    I've already posted a bit on my situation before so before my question I will do my best and make this brief. My ex/youngest child's father has told me point blank that he wants nothing to do with our child and when asked why and was I at fault in any way I was told point blank no and that he doesn't want to risk losing the family he DOES want. His current 2nd childs mother doesn't want him to have anything to do with his child by me, even after I let her know I can work things out where I'm not in the equation period, only him spending time with his child through his parents but still to no avail. Anyways my question is this, is it possible that since he has another child that he does want and a woman he loves who in turn lets him date outside of the relationship while she in prison, is it possible that he can forget our daughter entirely. The only reminder he may ever have is the child support order, or if he ever gets caught up for not paying or something but other than that Im VERY convinced he can and will forget about her.

    Everyone tells me down the line he will remember and want to establish a relationship. He may be old and grey but he will remember. Do you men think it is possible for a man to wipe away the fact he has another child, his firstborn out here forever? Thank you in advance for reading and for any advice.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Yes it is possible, some men find it easy to completely forget about their children - until it suits them that is, like when they're on their death bed and have no one else. If he wants nothing to do with your daughter now, then he does not deserve, later on in his life, to want to know her. Children can not be put aside until you are ready to be in their lives. If he is that much of a p**** to let some woman dictate to him whether or not he sees his daughter then he should be sterilised and not be allowed to have any more children. Your daughter deserves better, i hope you meet/are with a wonderful man that will love her like she is his own.

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