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Thread: enough is enough

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Arizona 520

    enough is enough

    i have been posting how to get my gril back and how to get over her, but today i realized i been lied to so many times.
    I keep finding pics of her of nights she went out behind my back to clubs and bars. Pics of her and my sister and her friends. Sshe said she went to california about 4 days, but i found out and saw the pictures she went to vegas instead with her friends. She put that freedom as a priority instead of our relationship. I never lied to her i always had her back and defended her and also never did things she didnt want me to. She was to afraid to tell me the truth because i would get mad or i wouldnt want to go, but i never ever deserved to be made a fool and lied to so bad. I cannot stop crying it hurts so much to be led on, i loved her and respected our relationship so much for nothing. I may have not been the most outgoing person i know i made that mistake , but to be lied to behind my back for so many years is incredibley wrong and selfish. I havebeen there through it all and from the begining. It kills me and brings me to my knees when i see a pic of her surrounded by girls including guys with a drink in her hande and a huge smile. was i t that bad that she wouldnt want my company i always wanted her with me what do i do its really really killing me AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Cut her out of your life like a cancer and start fresh.
    Spammer Spanker

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Syracuse, NY
    When you don't have that trust in a relationship, you have nothing. She couldn't be honest with you for a multitude of reasons I'm sure (Do you overreact or hound her about everything she does? Does she feel comfortable talking to you about anything?). The relationship was destined to fail as tough as it is to realize that you were blind to it for years and years.

    What did you learn about yourself from this? I know you want to beat yourself up but she contributed as well. You gotta dive in and see all the things that went wrong and who was responsible and what you could have done instead. This is the only way you will be better from this experience.
    Waking up next to a beautiful girl,
    Step outside and say hello to my beautiful world.

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