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Thread: Need an advice and need it badly!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Need an advice and need it badly!

    Hey you all!

    I have a serious problem with a girl I realy like. She just might be the one real love. Ive known this girl for some years now.

    Some two years ago we used to chat for hours (were studying in diferent citys ). We shared almost everything. This went on for quote some time. I as usual, didnt have the balls to step up to her and tell her what I feel (realy dumb from me I know).

    She than started dating her old boyfriend again, and I kinda backed away. 3,4 months ago she left him. Deleted all thair pictures from facebook account..In this time I thought alot about how we liked the same stuff, had the same view about life...I than decided to get a bit closer to her again. Initiated chats on FB...we chated like in the old days. So a mont or more ago, I found out that there was a concert Im gonna attend in the city she lives in. I than offered her, that we could meet when Ill be visiting. She said (trying to translate) Most definitely!!! She eaven said that I have to come to see her new apartment... that the cahting went on...previous week we started SMSing. I wrote that Im gonna be in the city for a few days and that we should meet. She replied that she practicly always has time and that she can adapt. Some more SMSs went true and we figured out, that she would be working from 7-10PM and that there could be some trouble meeting cause she wasnt free those evenings, than asked if id come to a club saturday the 13th of february, cause it was her birthday. I went there and had a gift for her BD (nothing fancy). We met there, I gave her the gift, she was realĨy happy (I congradulated her for her birthday and we kissed and she hugged me). We talked for some time (some 20-30minutes). Various stuff...she asked how my studying was going, some stuff about how life was going...it was also mascarade day (in Europe we celebrate this). So I dressed like a 70s guy, long wing...she complimented on how I was dressed. I said, that when Ill be visiting that we still could meet afternoon before she went to her job. She said yes and that i have to come to here place, and that we can visit her cousin, who is her neigbour and is together with a good friend of mine. We chated some more and than I said Im gonna go back to my friends some more. After all it was her birthday and I let her be with her girl friends. Latter that nigh at 2PM the party ended, and we went to another club. Prior to that, at the first club, she her ex-boyfriend and two other firends of hers went to eat something. She asked if anyone wants to go with them, looked at me, I wasnt hungry so I said no and she said that well see us in the next club still eye contacting me.

    So in the next club we partied, everything as usual. an hour went by and she still hasnt came there. So at about 3:30PM I went home.

    At 4:03 I received an SMS, where she thanked me for the gift and said it was awsome with three exclamation marks at the end. Wrote that they didnt make it to the second club and that she was alredy at home. Than asked if I was OK. Wished me to ahve a nice sleep and wrote that well see us (ended the sentence with one exclamation amrk).

    Today monday I was in the city she lives in and called her twice in 5 hours of space, once prior the concert and once after it, cause it was over exactly at 10PM and we could actually still get together. No reply until now.

    For tomorrow I plan to called her at some 1PM or so and if she doesnt pick up the call, have decided to go to where she works and surprise her. Since we know each other realy good and know each other for a long time, want to tell her how I feel, as she realy is the girl that could complete me.

    Some moments ago I checked her FB profile and she posted a thanks for all the BD wishes but prior to that she wrote a saying that translated goes somewhat like that: People are angles with only one wing, so we can only fly hugged and at the end was a heart.

    That about almost everything. I know its pretty long to read but hey, I need some advice badly

    Any suggestions and how you see this whole situation. Please if anyone has any suggestion reply, as I just might not get the girl I admire. Im 24 by the way and so is she.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by mr. niceguy View Post
    Hey you all!
    Today monday I was in the city she lives in and called her twice in 5 hours of space, once prior the concert and once after it, cause it was over exactly at 10PM and we could actually still get together. No reply until now.

    For tomorrow I plan to called her at some 1PM or so and if she doesnt pick up the call, have decided to go to where she works and surprise her. Since we know each other realy good and know each other for a long time, want to tell her how I feel, as she realy is the girl that could complete me.

    What exactly did she reply just now, after you'd called her twice today? I don't know if I'm reading this wrong but it sounds like maybe you are coming on a little strong...unless I missed something somewhere. Maybe feel out tomorrows call at 1pm and if she seems eager, go for the work place visit. If not, I don't know. Just my 2cents though. You know her better. At any rate, I hope you get the girl.
    So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell,
    blue skies from pain.
    Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?
    A smile from a veil?
    Do you think you can tell?
    And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?
    Hot ashes for trees?
    Hot air for a cool breeze?
    Cold comfort for change?
    And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    She hasnt called back until now, and today she probably wont cause its allredy 2:30PM. Well I know that she at least really really liked me back than but I blew it.

    Im going nuts on this one.

    Anyone else thinks im understanding her the wrong way?
    Last edited by mr. niceguy; 16-02-10 at 09:57 AM.

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