Hi im new to all this i didnt know where to turn so came here i have being with my girlfriend for 6 months to the day yesterday. on weds night her mum met her to bitch about me say how i was controlling her and that how she spent too much time with me ...i never made her stay she only stayed when she wanted to and she knew this ... her mum also said to her that she could do way better then me.

my gf told me this and that she didnt agree and that we are strong and everything between us was fine

yesterday i met her from college and we went round shops and everythign was great as normal

today has come ...i've been out all day and shes moved all her stuff out and told me its over and thats it ...saying she wants more time with her family and more time to herself and that she cant split the time between us. ive never expected her to have to. she knew she could see them at any time she stayed at mine only when she wanted to.

i just dont know what to do i love her with everything i got
she wont even see me

i said i'll be in touch after her exams and that are over she said email me and we'll see from there and just walked away from me and wouldnt even look back

i just dont know what to think ....ive got so many things goin round in my head is there some1 else. why is this happening etc

please help