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Thread: Did you take him back? What did he do to make himself interesting again?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Did you take him back? What did he do to make himself interesting again?

    Hello women,

    Did you ever break up with a guy and wanted him back afterwards?
    If so, what did he do to make you want him again?
    Did he ignore you or make you jealous or something like that?

    I'm a guy who got dumped by my ex gf, and I have only contact with her on msn once in a while (perhaps once in 2 weeks), so I'm looking for ways to get interesting again for my ex.

    And I've read that ignoring and/or jealously often works to get girls back?

    Hoping for some replies

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    well personally when ive broke up with ex partners i havent wanted them back, ive broke up with them for reasons that if i did get back with them the problems would still be there.

    just for the record i think you should just leave her to get on with it she wants you she'll let you know but if she dosent come back then move on.

    but having said that if you really want to try to get her interested then i suppose making her jealous could work, but it could also backfire she could think either ''hes moved on i'll do the same'' or ''i hate seeing him with someone else i want him back'', i think it may back fire.

    also as you only talk to her on msn every few weeks then ignoring her wouldnt really work will it, because it wont have that much of an impact.
    im going to say the obvious thing now but ask her if you honestly have a chance of getting back together, and if not theres plenty more fish in the sea mate!

  3. #3
    Petit Papillon's Avatar
    Petit Papillon is offline Napinacz
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    I did want my ex back but it was NOTHING about him. It was because I was immature,love fool and blind of course.
    I wazzzz here

  4. #4
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    Agreed with PP. Any time I've returned to an ex it was because I didn't have the self knowledge and respect to walk away and learn to grow up. It does not mean I don't still care for my exes as people because I do, but it is not romantic. Many of my exes stepped on my heart one too many times for me to want to deal with any of it again. Sure, maybe they did some growing and have learned a lot, but they can try it out on the next one. Eyes forward.

  5. #5
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    hmmm.. does it ever happen that the reason you broke up was foolish and you really belonged together?

    (edit: nevermind)
    Time to stop complaining when there is no reason to. Life's good, man.

  6. #6
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    Those who break up for foolish reasons are too immature in the first place. A break up shouldn't be the result of a minor argument. Those are the couples that continuously fail at communicating in an effective way. Relationships don't function without open and honest communication.

  7. #7
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    I suppose that even with open and honest communication the heat of the moment could get the better of you, though... so you're saying that even in that case breaking up over nothing means that they shouldn't be together?
    Time to stop complaining when there is no reason to. Life's good, man.

  8. #8
    Petit Papillon's Avatar
    Petit Papillon is offline Napinacz
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    "Hot Love Pancake(s)"
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    Lahna , you're so right. In my opinion, a good couple never lets a heat of the moment break their good relationship. Good partners will scream at each other, get mad as hell, call each other names BUT will not break up. Moreover, they will be able to calm down after that and say they are sorry and work things out by talking, not by breaking up. As I said once, break up should be the very AMEN for the relationship. A situation where two people see any solutions more to fix their problems.
    I wazzzz here

  9. #9
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    I do my best never to "blow up" if I can help it. I worked toward the goal of being able to see those moments before they happen. I know that I can get really heated regarding matters of money, and so I do my best to prepare myself for the potential difficult conversation. Despite that, should I feel myself growing angry or frustrated, I put on the breaks. Nothing is ever accomplished during a screaming match. What I began to do with my ex last year was to calmly announce that I felt frustrated, and that I clearly wasn't ready to discuss the matter at hand. Even when he balked and refused to drop the subject, I stayed calm and steadfast. I reminded him of how much I loved him, and told him I would be going out to do some errands and to clear the air. Any time I did this we were always able to have a much more rational conversation later on.

    People who want to scream and yell are attempting to use scare tactics because they themselves are afraid. It takes an immense amount of self-knowledge and self control and I've spent years working on it. Believe me, there are days I just want to scream till I'm blue in the face, but never at the risk of losing someone I care for deeply.

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