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Thread: My woman's sexy thoughts

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Los Angeles, California

    My woman's sexy thoughts

    My woman and I won't be seeing each other for 10 days because her ex-husband is leaving town for a while, and she has to stay with her kids. We had 4 nights of marathon sex (saturday - tuesday) and now I'm going through withdrawls... haha... I miss her.

    So the last couple of days she has left me voicemails about how horny she was for me, and that she can't stop thinking about me naked. Please note that I am kinda average-looking, and she is the most gorgeous woman I have ever met. So it feels kinda weird when I step back and think how she could possibly want me so badly. I know we are deeply in love, that's for sure... and if her sex drive towards me is proportional to her love for me, then it all makes absolute sense.

    This morning she calls me at work, and told me about a new concern. She said that when we are apart, she has all these impure thoughts about me, and that sometimes makes her feel slutty. She worries that I would lose respect for her because she leaves me slutty voicemails. I told her that I love how she loves me. I feel fortunate that she is so sexual towards me. I feel like this is a dream, or I sold my soul to the devil without even knowing. This is every man's dream, to be with the most beautiful and amazing woman.... And this woman actually fantasizes about me regularly. She said this is very unusual for her, after 14 years of unhappy marriage....she never thought a man could invoke such sexual response....until now. I'm like HUH?

    I am perfectly happy right now, and I know she loves me so much. My concern is if we base our relationship so heavily on sex, then we would fall apart if sex dwindles (due to age or whatever). Have any of you ever had such a concern? I feel weird because I'm a man, and I actually have this concern. I want to be with her for the rest of my life, so I want to make sure that we set the ground works for long-term commitment.
    Last edited by Kaius; 20-03-10 at 04:05 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Tell her that it's every man's fantasy to bring out the secret, hidden slut in his woman. She's just worried you think she's a slut for everybody. Assure her she has the same effect on you and tell her you like it.
    Spammer Spanker

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    MD, USA
    Thats it exactly gigabitch. There is a difference between 'a slut' and a woman 'being slutty' or having an active sex drive. You have to let her know that you know she's not a slut, and that she should express herself as freely as she is comfortable with because you love her and enjoy every second of sex that you have. Assure her that you absolutely don't think less of her because she has a high sex drive, and that you enjoy her.
    ...one can be sure of nothing until it has already happened...

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