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Thread: The Age of The Broken Hearts / by Moshe Levis

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    The Age of The Broken Hearts / by Moshe Levis

    Dear femals
    I have wrote this one, 2 days ago and I would love to hear your opinion about it.

    When you go to the movies, reading books, or get educated by; parents, teachers, friends etc, you always learn the same thing regarding your future - NEVER GIVE UP!

    A few days ago I have met this very nice, smart and pretty Sarah. After a small, fun and interesting conversation with her we switched numbers. We were talking on the phone for hours having great laughs and real fun. After she had realized, I’m younger than her, she told me she doesn’t want to date, especially not with someone younger than her.

    I have been sitting for a while, thinking to myself and being as honest and real as I can within myself, asking some questions I would want Sarah to answer.
    Since I didn’t want to write to much his/her/him and so on, I came up with the name Sarah. Well, here we go.

    What is the worst that could happen to Sarah if she will date?

    Well, some things could probably go wrong along the way. With some lack of research, I came up with three main "deadly" points to think about, especially if Sarah’s goals contradict her being dating.

    1. There will always be the professional aspect, which Sarah might assume, that by dating could be
    harmed and she might get distracted from it.
    2. The power of searching the subject of love is gone, because let's face it you think we are all the same
    just in many different shapes, meaning – disappointment.
    3. Economically wise who needs to spend more money on the small things in life that may not do any
    good anyways?! Make some sense I guess.

    As time goes by, no matter where in life you are at the moment, you will always have more and more responsibilities and less time for other things which you may consider as not important at the moment but, in fact, are some of the most important issues in life. It is true that your career is very important for your future, I mean, this is the one thing that can help you "living the good life" you want. It also provides you the basic things for your survival in our world, things such as; food, a roof, un-coldness, health, momentarily joy and maybe a few other basic stuff.

    Having me saying that, I came up with the conclusion (everyone could come up with) that eventually, the profession aspect sums up with one word only – MONEY, Which, will not give you a lot of what one really needs, even more than those basic stuff that came up earlier, such as; warmth, long term happiness, heritage and more. I will sum this up with a different word, of course - LOVE.

    Preventing yourself from dating because of work much could harm the future you desire for, meaning, not to combine two words who can, if we know how to, get along perfectly together. The approach you have on mind might normally leads you to think that a relationship will slow you down your career because of the attention you should probably give to this other person who came in to your life, which is completely the wrong way of thinking. The one whom you could know, if you won't let your career interfere it, could be the best thing ever happened to your career. You can never know, in what many ways this person can help and support, or even just give you this space you think you should have, Which leads us to the man you might be looking for all of your life.

    You must never let bad experience overcome your willing to try again and again. It might seem with time that all men are alike. I have to be honest and say that I know what you mean by that, although, one of these men could somehow fit to certain women. The thing is that if you will not give up and you will keep on dating you might find what you are actually looking for - your shining knight, which will be different from all men kind.

    Speaking of dating, you probably think about all the money it can cost you, which you can’t afford at the moment (exactly the opposite from the reason you are working – to save up for important things in your life). Let me take it one step forward please, a glimpse to your future. When you will be dating, you can assume (not always of course) that you will not pay for food, drinks or whatever. So, one obstacle is already out. I will now take it even further, for example; after all the dating you had, you got in to a relationship. If you really think about it, you can actually save more money than not being in a relationship. WHY? Very simple. You split most, if not all, your bills to half. Yes, 50/50, and be sure that the one you chose will probably give you more than you actually need.

    So, my conclusions are that you have more ups than downs when talking about dating.
    Other than that – LIFE IS SHORT!!!

    What is the worst that could happen if you would give that date (Well, me) a chance?

    1. You will get hurt eventually.
    2. I will get hurt eventually.
    3. We will never speak to each other again.

    When you live your life, day after day, you do so many things and meet so many people that you don't even realize. During the 24 hours you have, you may not notice, but you get hurt so many times, by people's remarks, by missing the bus, by missing a friend, sometimes physically and in many more ways that if you were constantly thinking about it you could be in a very deep depression. BUT, we are all got so used to it we just don't care much about it. Getting hurt by a person you love might seem much devastating than the other stuff I have mentioned above, but honestly if you really think about it, it might be the same because it has the same effect, meaning, you are sad, hurt, crying, cursing, lonely, or whatever for a certain time. The key for that hurt, as it appears, called "TIME". Everything, eventually, gets healed. Unless, you die.

    Sometimes it hurts so much that you don't want to remember anything from whatever happened, you completely denying it. This may cause a loss of a friend or love that you had for many years. Things such as this, I think, are depending on the person whom you hurt or have been hurt by.
    It is not a 100% sure you will end up not speaking to someone because you broke up, were fighting, were dating, and so on. I know it from experience, trust me. - GIVE IT A CHANCE, LIFE IS SHORT.

    So, you have been reading all those things that I have wrote, all my opinions about a subject we can call, LOVE, if you may. Yet you are having hard time to understand the connection for all this to the title - "The Age of The Broken Hearts", and you are probably wondering to yourself; "It could have been 'Life Is Short'". Well, you are going to find out in a second.

    What could possibly go wrong if you will end up going out with a 24 years old guy (me)?

    This time I came up with much more points to think about;

    1. You would want to get married soon.
    2. You would want to have kids.
    3. You may think I won't be able to provide all your needs.
    4. You may think I won't be mature enough.
    5. Your friends will have some remarks?
    6. Your parents will have some remarks?
    7. You may think I would want to break up while you at the other hand planning our marriage.

    I guess you are thinking that this might be the hardest part for me to write now. Well, it is not. But it will sure be much different than the last two answers above. I will actually have to say that all these points above might happen. BUT! There is a BIG BUT here (didn't work out lately). Whatever point mentioned above, it can happen at any age, any time, to anyone, and it could have nothing to do with age differences. What I'm trying to say here is, every person knows himself and what he is capable of what he wants and willing to give. This is where the previous answers are taking place.

    What if you will give a chance and date, this younger guy and he is exactly what you are looking for; He is loving and caring, sweet and sensitive, attractive (but not an asshole), gives you the best time of your life, will take the best care of you like no one have ever done, amazing in bed (on the couch, in the kitchen, on the dryer, outdoors, or just name it), and if you will actually talk about the future you will find out he is ready to get married and settle down, have kids, a house, 2 dogs, a cat and half a moose?

    How will you be able to live with the thought you have just missed the best thing that could ever happen to you since the day you were born till the last day of your life, by not taking this one small little chance?

    As you just told me yourself – LIFE IS SHORT.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    You're way to heavy and obscure/wordy.

    It's difficult to comprehend your intended audience, whether it's her or us.

    She gave you her final answer.

    Don't invest any more time on her.

    Whether wrong or right, she's not into younger men than her.... you work together, and she's ixnayed the prospect.

    You can't will her in words to participate so let it go. You'll find someone more compatible. Hang in there.

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