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Thread: How to win this earlier attraction back??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    How to win this earlier attraction back??

    im a 17 year old guy and i met this girl a few months ago. weve had our complications and fall outs, but also had our perks. After admitting i had a crush on her a few weeks ago combined with numerous rejections of asking out before hand(desperation was evident here by me) she lost interest, obviously. After 2 weeks (present) i text her saying i had gotten over the crush and i want to start again, so we continued our light hearted banter from earlier times. She liked me a lot to start with because of this bad guy image i conveyed (when you hear a girl has been talking about you to her mum you can only think that she likes you), and i can only assume why so long on that badboy feature is why she still has some interest (otherwise she wouldnt be texting me back and questioning my relationship status, broke up with another girl recently, that was very short term). I was critical more often than not of her, but weirdly thats what attracted her in the first place to me. i know a balance is essential and that i have to have a nice side to me also, so i intend to exemplify that the next time i see her, to show i can resume old times. i plan to be her friend for the next few weeks and take things a bit slower, and meet her a couple of times hopefully where she works. my mistake before was i kept on asking her out. what i want to know is if i stopped asking her out for say 3 or 4 weeks and then on the 4th week i ask her if she wants to walk along the beach would she come back to me? how can i win more appreciation back towards me like before? her best friends working where she works where i intend to meet her and my thought was to get on the good side of her friend (ive already met), but would that improve my chances in getting her higher attraction for me again?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    You should never have to portray a false image in order to get somebody to like you, you are conforming to what you think she is attracted to in hope that you can win her over - be yourself, more importantly be comfortable with it, people should accept you for who you are not the act you put on. Confidence is far more sexier than some silly bad boy image. However, you are still very young, all I can say is stop analysing so much and go with the flow, you live you learn, you have plenty to experience yet. Teenagers for the most part, and I don't mean to generalise, are fickle and care-free, feelings change with the wind, what matters today is long forgotten tomorrow so just play it cool, see how it goes, don't dwell on it too much and enjoy!

    Love is like a merry-go-round: you get all dizzy, and then you feel sick!

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