I’m not saying that you won’t ever cross my mind
All I’m saying is that I’m doing fine
I’m not saying that I don’t love you
Because that wouldn’t be the truth
All I’m saying is that I’ll be ok, even without you

It hurts because I know that I gave you my very best
But now I see that you… are just like all the rest
I’m not saying that I hate you
But yet can’t understand you or this mess

I opened up my heart to you, and you just let me down
Can’t believe that you said, you would always be around
I’m not saying that I’ll ever be able to forget the glistening in your eyes
I’m just saying that I’m giving up on all the midnight cries

Still Smiling, Minnisha

Break ups can be really difficult sometimes, I wrote this poem when I was actually going through this...I thank God for blessing me with the creative nature not only to put my feelings in words, but relate to others as well through my writings.