Alright so I have posted in here before about my relationship on how he would disappear, and then when he was ready to talk about things he would call me, let me know what was going on. Well the last time this happened was 2 1/2 weeks ago...and he called me April 29th. Now to recap it is a long distance relationship right now, I live in Texas and he lives in S. Carolina. He proposed to me on Vday. So anyways when he called me on the 29th he told me that he was almost arrested, that this girl he had slept with about 2 yrs ago..has a 1 yr old..we knew about this before...and filed papers for him to take a paternity test. And he found out recently that he has to go to Montana ( where this girl lives now) to take the test; but he can't just leave and do that..he only gets 2 days off a week and no vacation time because there is no other supervisors to cover for him. Well this girl filed child support papers and put that he is the father even though he hasnt even taken the paternity test. So cops showed up said he owed 4 Grand in back child support..he had to explain to them what was going on, he didn't even know anything about her filing for child support on him or saying that he was the father yet since he hasnt taken the paternity test. So anyways, he told me that he didn't want to put me in all of this, but he always comes back. He told me that he wish I did live there so he would have me there to talk to..that he hasn't even told any of his friends about this situation. I just don't know what to do at this point. It seems like all life has been sucked out of me already from this relationship. I have been giving me all, and I just don't know what else to do. I know things would be a lot easier if I was there...and I guess thats the thing Im stuck how to get there?....I go to school full time, recently was in a car accident so my car is in the shop and I just had to pay $1400 for that to get fixed so its not like I have any money to do anything. I would give anything to be with this man, and I know he is trying but there is only so much he can cause he does have a 2 yr old son that he takes full care of as well. I know this is a lot to read, and Im sorry but I guess this is the only place I can turn to to let it all out without anyone being really biased. I trust him 100%, and I would NEVER think he was cheating. He doesn't have time for it cause of work, and his son and this new drama that came up. I just want US back...I want to be fully happy again with him. And I just don't know where to go from here. I told him I would be there for him no matter what happens, and things could definetly get worse with this new news..but I would help him and be there for him to pick up the peices as long as he let me of course. I know that he wants me there so badly, but at this point Im not sure how to make that work?...I've started selling things to get some money together..Would this be a good first step?...I just don't know what else to tell him, or bring up, or where to go from here. PLEASE PLEASE Help! Any insight to this is more than welcome.

God Bless