Hi everyone
So I never post on forums or anything but I have decided that I really could use the advice of strangers to help me work out what the hell to do!
To cut an 8 year story short - Met a guy (lets call him A) back when I was 14 (yes young I know) we became inseparable but then he went through a bit of emotional drama and we ended up breaking up. At the time in highschool it didn't matter, I met another amazing guy (lets call him B) who I dated on and off for the rest of high school.However, when the amazing guy and I were not together, I would run back to A straight away and get into this emotional turmoil of us both wanting to be together but always having reasons why we couldn't. This went on for years.
When I finished school, I was with B and decided to cut A out of my life completely cause truth is, I was still so in love with him but for some unexplained reason we always had to much drama to work things out. When B and I broke up recently I started to see A but it got so full on that he backed away. I ended up going overseas for awhile and now I am back to find A happy in a relationship but he still says he wants me in his life. He wants me to be his friend, but when we catch up he gets all confused and says he wants me, but he can't cause he is in a relatonship now etc etc.
I am still so in love with him. DO I just wait around and be his friend and if something happens it happens? Or should I cut him out again and forget all the feelings? We have both said to eachother we have never felt what we have felt for eachother with anyone else. HELP!!!!!!!!