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Thread: Ex GF Fiasco...beyond repair?

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    Join Date
    May 2010

    Ex GF Fiasco...beyond repair?


    Sorry for the long email desperately need HELP

    I went out with this girl for about a year and she asked me to be discrete about it because of customary issues where dating is generally frowned upon...customary is the arranged type of deal.

    We were great together and even some of her friends were complaining that we spend too much time on the phone talking to each other...so in October, she calls me and says "please come and see me ASAP" I comply and she says I'm a traditional girl, I am answerable to my parents and i talked to my mother about us and she said it was up to me and you ..." so i say u wanna break up?? and she says NO u don't understand.....what if another guy comes into my life ......so i ask her is there another guy and she says there isn't.....so we have this chat going around in circles for a good 1 hour....i didn't understand what she was trying to tell me...I assumed worst case scenario and we broke up. Incidentally, after this, her family approached mine to see whether I was "ready", my folks asked me and I said I had broken up with her so nope...not ready!.

    I called her 2 weeks later and she got quite upset with me. Funny enough, she rebounded a week after we broke up with some guy she had told me that she didn't even like...don't know whether she really didn't or was she just telling me this. This relationship lasted about a month.

    A month later, I talked to a few friends and they said it was her way of asking for a commitment..that really did shock me so i called her up and she didnt pick up, called her several times later and she answered crying, and said...please leave me alone, you have stressed me and my family enough. ...that paired with the fact that my uncles calling me "a player" as my uncles and her dad worked in the same building...so i went to her dad and explained my side of the story, and also told him that she is seeing someone else so how can i come between(this rebound guy)

    We never spoke after that for months, she deleted me from facebook....

    I sent her a text to see how she was doing and she didn't reply. Immediately she posted like a poem on her wall, something o do with when u hurt me, humiliate me and insult me there is another man wishing he could make love to me or something in that context...and she became a fan of some page why people cheat or something....that made me wonder...is she trying to tell me something? there was no infidelity from my part anyway

    I told a friend about the story, he had a hunch that we were going out but we never did confirm it to him as we had decided to keep it discrete. he called her and asked here indirectly about me, she denied everything and also told him her father hates me(could it be when i told him his daughter was seeing someone else, while they did the customary proposal to me?)

    I feel guilty coz I now understand what she was trying to say..and am willing to provide...is this situation way beyond repair?

    the rebound guy....she was with him for less that 2-3 months...i think...i never kept tabs....anything there?

    How should i get to talk to her when she doesn't even want to talk to me?

    I miss her like crazy, n want to work things out...

    Just for info: we were really tight when were in this thing and she would sometimes get extremely insecure.., my family don't really like her and the same goes for her family, i Im sure they don't like me either after all this fiasco..

    Many thanks
    Last edited by Maverick101; 15-05-10 at 02:28 PM. Reason: spell check

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