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Thread: should i keep intouch with ex?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    should i keep intouch with ex?

    We went thru a almost 6 years relationship and lately she became very cold,we had a fight she said we got to breakup,after some days of going out we went back into relationship,she kept saying how much she loves me and stuff until i found out that she was saying the same stuff to a guy that lives like 50000miles away,then she kept telling me it's just internet,i'm the one she loves.When i said she should choose me or that guy she told me she doesn't feel like beeing with anyone now.The next 2 days we didn't talk,then started chatting again and i find out that she now considers him her bf.So considering she went from saying "i love you like nothing else" to me and so many years to nothing and loving that guy in less than a few days is beyond me but i do not know if i should keep intouch with her cause i've been watching over her for a long time and i still feel the need to do it but if i see her with another guy it would make me feel like an idiot.I don't have any friends where i live now,and i also live alone,my family lives in another country.As a last thing after one of her exams she found out that there was a project that had to be done so she could pass the object and told me i should make it, tho she said if i want it was more like "come on do it for me",i told her to ask her current bf and told me he wouldn't do it.She's that type of girl that believes a stranger if he says that he loves her and she did quit on me before.Should i cut any link to her and become total strangers?I want to know a girls opinion cause i want to date again and would not like me to do something akward infront of a new girl.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Hii, sorry to hear about ur circumstance
    my honest opinion is to cut all ties with her, after a long relationship it's always hard but keeping in touch with her will make u bitten for any bloke she gets with and hate her more, ontop of that you will never move on because all you keep thinking about it what is she doing and who is she with. not healthy to moving on, your new partner wont want to hear about your ex so the more you dwell over her the worst it gets.... she's not dwelling over you.trying to be friends with her wont work either. i'm not sure about the internet guy tbh this is a bit wierd. maybe it was her way of getting extra attention, some reason girls always like to have more than what they got. whether they admit it or not.
    don't blame yourself though, next step.... try to make friends (i.e work) go out with them meet girls. delete everything to do with ur ex coz it just wont work

    hope this helped xx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    I guess deep down i allready knew that answer but wanted to see it from someone else,especially from the same gender.

    I returned one of her love letters from 2004 towards me,and she started sheding some tears then she said she'd better go into the house and we parted.
    Last edited by Cloud206; 31-05-10 at 07:19 PM.

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