Hey guys, I am new here. I tried to look for advice about a girl who I was interested in, and how I approached the situation. But I posted it in the wrong forum. I got some good advice, but mostly just people flaming me or trying to make jokes.

I really need some serious advice. Here is a link to the thread I made. It is quite long, and the situation changes for me throughout the thread. I expect it will take at least an hour or two to read through it all. If anyone is adventurous enough to read through this thread and try and help me out, I would really greatly appreciate it.

Hmm, it won't let me post links because of my post count. Okay well, I'll explain how to find it: go to google and search for 2+2 poker forum. Then in the left side of the main page, under "2+2 communities" go to "Other Other Topics". My thread should be near the top of the first page, the thread is called, "I think I'm in love with this girl. Long story tldr please help".

If anyone can find it and then post the URL for me in their response, that would be awesome.

Thanks guys.