hi, im new here. it has happen to me 12 days ago. broke up with her cz i found our that she have a relation with some other guy with sweet calling by d guy , "dear", "i love u" kind of thgs. Plus me n her have already engaged our relation was for 6 years use be very strong n bound to each other. The guy still want to snatch it frm me. plus her also keep on reply him bcz i found out that guy have bank in cash to her. duno whether they ever make out or not. bcz a guy wont suddenly bank in cash to a gal wifout exchanging smthg he want. cant believe she willing to trade of our 6 years and b wif some rich guy.jhw materialistic. last 4 days, keep on dreaming on our memeory n nitemare, she + him together ...damn....plus the feeling when wake up in the morning so sucking...jz wanted to share my pain n suffer wif any1 out thr....thanks 4 buying ur times