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Thread: Balance in a relationship

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Balance in a relationship

    i really don't do this online advice thing often, well to be honest this is my first time sharing personal stuff on the internet but i really need to know if other people are having the same problem that i've been having for the past 3 months or so. i'm 17 and i've been dating my boyfriend for a year and almost a month now, when you take out the rare fights and little discussions in between, we're really happy together and i honestly think that i was never this comfortable with anyone in my life before. things were amazing until like our seventh month together. i know that he loves me still, and we talked about this before but i can solidly feel that the love i have for him is greater than the amount he has for me. i don't know if i was able to phrase this in the right way, but long story short; i simply love him more. i guess there's always the person who loves more in a relationship, but since i felt like every single emotion we had was equal until a certain point in our relationship and suddenly it changed, i find it really hard to handle. any advice?

    thanks, sila

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Internet advice is great because you will an anonymous third-party response...trust me, no one really knows who you are and I've found some great advice on here.

    People usually talk a lot about a "push-pull" in a relationship, when one person "pushes" the other and the other "pulls" away...much like you loving your boyfriend more. You two are also young and you're exiting the "honeymoon" phase of your relationship. Try also to maintain your own life with friends and such OUTSIDE of the relationship. Part of a relationship is also "missing" each other and if you see each other ALL-THE-TIME, you will notice that things can go sour fast.

  3. #3
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    You are only 17. Boys this age have the attention span of a gnat (girls often, too). That you have been together over a year is unusual, given your developmental levels. I wouldn't expect any relationship with kids your age to last more than that.... you are both growing and developing into (eventual) adults, and your paths have not lead in the same direction. Your needs change. This doesn't make either of you the bad guy; it's just the way things go at your age.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

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