I'm curious here. What do you and your significant other usually fight about?
How do you handle the arguments?
Do you scream or raise your voice?
Do you know how to pick your battles? Meaning, can you ever just let something kind of minor slide, or do you have to jump on them for every little thing?

My boyfriend and I don't really argue all that much. Sure, we have disagreements, or sometimes I need to talk to him about something he did that upset me, but I never go all crazy bitch and go off on him. Most of the time, if I have something to say, I'll ask him to take some time out of whatever he's doing to come and talk to me. I have a few rules I set up for myself to insure that I'll get good results by the end of the conversation.

1. NEVER will I pick a fight or prompt a conversation during a Red Sox game. That is like shooting myself in the foot. Unless the issue is so huge that he deserves to miss the game.
2. Know what I want from him BEFORE I get into the conversation. Too many times I hear about people picking fights without deciding what they want to get out of it. There's a difference between having a serious discussion WITH someone, and simply screaming at them because you're frustrated. No one deserves to be an emotional punching bag.
3. NEVER will I initiate a serious discussion/potential argument online or via phone. Those two mediums SUCK at conveying emotion, honesty, and sincerity. Again, it would be shooting myself in the foot and adding frustration if I were to call my boyfriend up the split second I decided I was angry.

So, how do you guys handle arguments with your significant other? And what issues do you usually argue over? You can talk about past relationships, current ones, etc. Doesn't matter to me