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Thread: Is it really JUST a friendship if you still talk to him?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Is it really JUST a friendship if you still talk to him?

    So my GF still talks to her ex and it drives me crazy. She says that they are nothing more than friends and that is it. Do any of you ladies sit in this situation? How does it affect your current relationship? Is this something I should be worried about?

    The way i look at it is that they are ex's for a reason and thats that.

  2. #2
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    UK: England
    The only time I've been sat in this situation, is when he was an ex I had no choice but to have contact with, my ex hubby and we have a child. Even then I didn't go out of my way to stay in touch. I call him and in regard to our daughter or vice versa.

    I've never remained friends with or kept in contact with any ex. When it's done, it's done, I move on.

    I don't think exes can be friends and unless both have moved on in life. But if we have truly moved on, we don't tend to think of an ex anymore, or feel a desire to be friends.

    But people are different. Perhaps they had a really good friendship and it's a friendship for some reason, they don't want to let go of. That reason I don't know, because I've never felt a good reason to want to still communicate with an ex....but that could be because most of mine were assholes I'd rather be without.

  3. #3
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    I'm good friends with several of my exes, but I keep our contact to internet chats and Facebook updates. I don't have the desire to hang out with them, or go grab a drink with them. There is too much of a romantic past for us to really talk about anything platonic. And if I were to meet up with an ex in a bar and start rehashing what we used to have, that would be incredibly disrespectful to my current relationship. My boyfriend is priority, that's why he's my boyfriend.

    My boyfriend and I are on the same page about this. I have absolutely no desire to talk to my most recent ex and it'll probably be that way for a while. You need to sit down and talk to this girl about your concerns and your dealbreakers. You are within your rights as her boyfriend to request that she stop making friendship with her ex a priority, especially if it makes you uncomfortable. If she can't meet you half way on this, then you should save yourself the potential drama (there is almost always drama when an ex is around) and find someone else.

  4. #4
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    Ex's are that for a reason. I don't think you should be worried if they still talk to each other and you should believe her when she says they are just friends. I still talk to my ex on msn, facebook and in person when we have classes/lectures together but it does not affect my boyfriend at all and i don't think it ever has.
    I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." — Marilyn Monroe

  5. #5
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    it really depends. for me, i've always had a hard time getting over past relationships. i kinda always have feelings for my exes in the back of my head even though i'm deeply in love with my boyfriend. i talk to my ex and really ARE just friends but of course he brings back some good memories. if you two have a good relationship and you know she lovse you, DONT worry about itt.

  6. #6
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    I'm friends with all my exes. Something I'm proud off. The one is one of my closet friends and I even fixed him up with my mate. They are now married and have kids, I even babysit for them. Just because you didn't manange to maintain a relationship with them doesn't mean that you can't be friends. How do I cope with it with new relationships, well I'm honest from the begining and tell them. They have all been fine about it and when the relationship ended they also became my friends. Yes they are exes for a reason but a relationship is different from a friendship. i would not be worried about it.

  7. #7
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    Both my fiance and I talk to our exes. Mine mostly through Facebook, and the occasional text to say 'happy birthday' and shit, but nothing serious. He set one of his exes up with one of his close friends, they got married, and now they'll be running the guestbook table at our wedding.

    It's only as weird as you want it to be. It's a non-issue to us because there's no feelings anymore.
    Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. - Mohandas Gandhi

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