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Thread: finding a special lady friend

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    finding a special lady friend

    I know what I want to do but I just cant make myself make the leap.
    I want to find a special lady friend but im not that experienced or confident in having a girl as anything other than just a friend.

    I seem to be able to manage to make general chit chat with them on a one-to-one basis ok for a short time, usually when im in a comfortable place for me. Mostly people at work, maybe popping into my office.

    A while ago I wouldn't be the one to start a conversation with them and im sure some people wouldn't even realise i have this problem. Now I try to and then every time I see them Id make chitchat, which does make me feel good, however if I like talking to them and feel remotely interested in them I cant make myself progress it any further. To knowing if they are single, interested or to even ask them out. I then think about it too much and it annoys me that its me with the big problem

    Theres a couple of girls at work im interested in, one i was talking to just before I left when saw her in corridor, not spoke to her much but trying to make an effort and asked about her,learnt a few things in a couple of minutes.

    I know it sounds strange me saying theres a couple am interested in, there has been others who eventually find out theyre taken, even if they weren't id still be at square one.
    Im rubbish and cant even tell if theyre just talkin because they nice people or if are interested

    I wish it wasn't supposed to be the guy to make the first move

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    North East, England
    Its not all about experience when talking to girls, if your interested then show them rather than those who leave mixed messages. Ask questions to show you want to knw more about them and then after getting to know more show your interest by asking them out. If they are already taken then they will see as a compliment you were interested. The right people turn up in your life when you least expect it and over time you soon know if it will lead anywhere.
    I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." — Marilyn Monroe

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Im never sure, Id think that they must know im interested because i make an effort to speak to them and I ask personal questions, not because they would like that, because its interesting to learn about others.
    Its surprising how you can change ur opinion on someone once uve spoken to them,
    I usually think that if im interested in them, others will have been too so they will be taken lol

    Speaking of mixed messages, I watched body language of people and later found out theyre taken. giving off all the tell tale signs of flirting and having an interest, so i dont think u can rely on it
    I dont have any bottle, even to ask someone who knows them if theyre single, just adds more pressure
    I used to think people turn up in you life when u least expect as it happened to me, but it turned out very badly.

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