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Thread: Dated a girl, now living in same complex, I want to reiniate contact with her

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Dated a girl, now living in same complex, I want to reiniate contact with her

    Long story short, I went on two dates with a girl. We both had a great time and there was some really positive outlook from the both of us. I took a trip to the beach, we kept in contact, a little too much I think now. I came back and she basically ignored my calls for two weeks (she was moving to a new apartment). She finally replied to my second voicemail, apologizing for not getting in touch sooner and suggesting we get dinner. I agree but basically ignore her most of the week and then send her a text that weekend, she replies positively, even sending me a pic of herself at the bachorette party she told me she was attending.

    I try to set up dinner but she basically ignores my attempts at contact. I get a little frustrated and finally manage to get her on the phone to just discuss "what happened" and why she "disappeared". She "claims" that she wasn't really ready for a relationship, couldn't deal with the rush of emotions, kept stressing that she "likes me", and she was dealing with stuff from her ex- (she is separated, but a weird situation because she was together and with this guy for a matter of 4-5 months TOTAL, yes meet, married, and they separated and she moved back here from NC). I know a lot of people say don't mess with separated girls, but I figured let's see.

    Anyways, we text occasionally, and I find out I'm moving to the same apartment complex she moved to. She texts me once on Friday to ask if I'm "out"..I don't reply until way later and then texts me the next day late at night to ask if I'm home. This was the day I moved in. I am, and I ask her to come over...I end up back at her apartment and we talk and laugh and by the end of the night...I leave her with a hug and a few kisses (which she reciprocates)...she remembers everything about me, even commenting on the scar I have on my ankle from a car accident and remembering what car I drive. This all happened the previous Saturday night

    I ask her out to lunch the next day, she said she was meeting her g/f for lunch and then had to run some errands but maybe she'd see me at the pool later but thanks me for the offer. I've basically left her alone since then but I did go to the pool this past Saturday morning with another girl (a friend) and she was there with a girlfriend. I said "hi" and we exchanged some pleasantries but basically I stayed at my end of the pool with the girl I was with. She did turn to look at where I was going to sit down and I have no idea if seeing me with another girl had any effect, but she did pay attention where I was sitting at the pool.

    I like this girl and I know she is separated, but we live right next to each other (I have not been stalkerish in any way) and I would like to get to know her better to see where we could go..whether as friends or something more. Of course I am taking the separation into account.

    I'm thinking of texting her asking how she's been and it was nice to see her at the pool the other day. Perhaps ask her if she wants to grab some dinner some time soon or whatever. What do you all think?

  2. #2
    Illusional's Avatar
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    ask her if she'd like to go for a cup of coffee or something small. she told you once before that she didn't want to rush, and maybe dinner is taking things to fast for her. it should be easy because the two of you are already acquainted and both of you live in the same complex.

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

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