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Thread: Confusion is it love or friendship

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Confusion is it love or friendship

    what im about to post is really complicated atleast for me and it keeps going round and round in my head each and every minute of the day...
    Okay so now the problem is that i am going out with a girl i really love, this might be one girl who im really serious about....
    Now here is where the problem starts from...My girlfriend and my best friend (Boy) have become very close to each other, i did not mind it at all in the beginning as after all her best friend was my best friend too and i trust him completely. But, lately i have started to realized that he is getting too obsessed about her, he asks me questions about her, if everything is alright on her side (as she had some problems regarding her parents- they dont like her dating...etc..etc) He gets angry on me and my girlfriend when we do something with is dangerous such as talk on the phone late at night even though she is not allowed to.......
    I have even noticed that he wants to talk to her any chance he gets, even if he is working on something he will always want to talk to her..........he gets mad when she does not talk to him properly or does not talk to him in the day........Is this just friendship? should i be worried about it? And now about the physical part, he touches her lightly sometimes on the back or just puts his arm around her shoulders....She obviously does not mind because they are best friends as i said earlier......and whenever he is talking to her he teases her such as pours water over her, pinches her lightly, makes fun of her....is this because he likes her??......he tends to get very close to her when he is talking about something with her and all this just makes me feel that he likes he.....
    i dont really know if he knows that he likes her or not because after all he is my best friend and i trust him...but can it be that he likes her but does not know that he does because his actions really make me think he does sometimes?? im really worried and stressed out because he is my best friend and it would be really awkward for me to ask him to back off as he has really helped us in many ways and i cant afford to lose such a friend, but at the same time this really bothers me as i dont really know what to do........i want to get this out of my head
    .PLZ help me

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Hi Dada,

    He's your best friend, and she's your girlfriend. These are two people who you should be able to be really honest and open with. As such, the best thing you can do is talk to them

    But when you do, remember that they are both free people.

    It may be simply a natural maturing of their friendship, which can often lead to these types of behaviours, and if you let them know that it bothers you they may naturally change to ensure your happiness

    However, before talking to them, why not take some time to prepare yourself for 'the worst'.

    When two people fall in love, there is very little that can stand in the way of that, even friendships. If they are in love, then there's really nothing you can do about that So the question for you is, how can we make the best of it? By letting them be together, by letting go, and by removing them from your life, for a while, until you feel able to join with them as friends

    I sincerely hope this isn't the case, but if it is, take it as an opportunity to grow, and deepen your ability to forgive, and move on

    Your true strength is far beyond what you may expect

    I hope it goes really well....
    Love one another, but make not a bond of love:

    Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.

    Kahlil Gibran

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Don't show that you're jealous, it will lower her interest level in you. If you become over protective and insecure, it will probably INCREASE her chances of running of with your friend and dumping you. She chose YOU, not your friend. Be confident, and be the guy she likes. Jealousy is the fastest way guys get dumped. It is a sign that you are not confident. Girls smell desperation the way sharks smell blood in water.

    Show your disapproval by withdrawing attention from her. Say something like "lol are you flirting with him?" But do NOT bug her about it. You DON'T want to show that this phases you, upsets, you, makes you mad, or emotional in any way. Be cool and show your disapproval.

    If she's getting really close to another guy, you should be getting really close to other girls. Don't ever cheat, but you should always be talking to other girls. DON'T become attached or dependent to any one particular girl. It will make you over-protective, insecure, and a bad boyfriend. Always be aware of the fact that there ARE other girls who are just as amazing or more amazing that your girlfriend. Become really good friends with her best girl-friend. This has many benefits including making her feel like she needs to qualify herself to you more. Trust me, she will like the challenge. You can be "serious" with a girl, but don't be dependent on her for your happiness. Remember, you're a man and you don't NEED her. If she dumps you, it is HER loss, not yours.
    Last edited by Gigabitch; 13-07-10 at 10:50 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    No you are getting my wrong i am not jealouse, its just that it bothers me that maybe my bestfriend likes my girlfriend so its not about confronting her its about confronting my best friend i need to know what to say to him cause i just cant ask him to back off he has done a lot for me and i value his friendship the most out of anything but i just want to know whether he likes her or not.....
    i AM sure my girlfriend loves me and i dont feel insecure about that its just that i am just thinking about what my best friend feels

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    No you are getting my wrong i am not jealouse, its just that it bothers me that maybe my bestfriend likes my girlfriend so its not about confronting her its about confronting my best friend i need to know what to say to him cause i just cant ask him to back off he has done a lot for me and i value his friendship the most out of anything but i just want to know whether he likes her or not.....
    i AM sure my girlfriend loves me and i dont feel insecure about that its just that i am just thinking about what my best friend feels

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    UK: England
    He fancies the pants off her, no question about it.

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