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Thread: Men, please read this email from the guy I've been emailing, I'm a little scared

  1. #1
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    Jul 2010

    Men, please read this email from the guy I've been emailing, I'm a little scared

    Babe, you fly into Santa Barbara on a Friday afternoon, one of the most beautiful and romantic cities in the US.

    From the airport we go to your hotel room, where my room is next to yours. After you settle in, we have dinner at a restaurant on the pier overlooking all the yachts in the marina.

    Then we head back to our rooms and continue to talk, in my thoughts we both don’t want to stop being together.

    After breakfast the next morning, we walk along the boardwalk checking out all the artwork and jewelry that vendors sell along the boardwalk.

    Around noon we head to Santa Maria. On the way we stop at the various wineries. They are so beautiful with rolling hills of vineyards. We can stop for some wine tasting if you wish.

    Once at my house, I BBQ for you in my backyard as we listen to music and I make you comfortable and relaxed and most of all, get you to laugh and show off your beautiful smile.

    After dinner, we go to a karaoke bar and sing a song in front of you, maybe Three Time the Lady might be an appropriate song, or a song called Lady by Kenny Rogers.

    Sunday, we go on my boat, and I show you the lake I like going to, show you the secluded coves, the beauty and serenity that this lake has to offer. I think you would really enjoy seeing the majestic beauty of this lake. We anchor the boat, and we can have a cove all to ourselves.

    I hope you can swim because we both jump in the lake and frolic in the water. I then look you into your eyes, and think this would be the perfect time to kiss you for the first time. We stop and look at each other. Then, our lips gently touch as we kiss in the water.

    That breaks the ice, where we now become more comfortable with being a little more physical in touching each other, in the boat we are sitting on a chair next top each other, you feel comfortable sitting next to me with your head resting on my shoulder as I wonder what you are thinking of, when I ask what you are thinking of, you say, “nothing” as you look up to me with a smile.

    Once we leave the lake, we head back to my house. You have a noon time flight back home, and so you are getting ready for that. We wash up, order a pizza, cuddle and watch a good movie while eating popcorn.

    We talk about you leaving and wish your stay was longer. We then kiss some more, and it does get hot and heavy, but my respect for you would be such that I never attempt anyhing more then just passionately kissing you.

    The next morning we drive back to Santa Barbara Airport. We try to cherish each and every second we’re still together. When you are in line to board the plane, we are both have tears coming form our eyes

    I say to you. “Babe, until I see you again!!”

  2. #2
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    He has everything planned out, to an extreme degree. I think that you're right to be worried, he seems like a control freak. Have you ever met him face-to-face before?
    Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from bad decisions.

  3. #3
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    Lovely. He lives in a fantasy world.

    How old are you? I ask because this email seems calculated to make you feel as if your virtue would never be threatened. If you were an adult, I wouldn't imagine he'd be this careful about it.
    Spammer Spanker

  4. #4
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    I'm soon to be 35 and he's around 47. The scary thing is we have never met but he has seen my pictures and keeps telling me how beautiful I am etc and then he sends me this email. We've only been talking for 1 month. I'm in Ottawa, canada and he's in California. It seems like he's getting obsessed with me. Is this guy stalker material?
    I feel relatively safe though since we are 2000+ miles apart and we communicate through an on-line forum so he doesn't know my email address.
    Don't women normally fantasize about things like this it just seems really strange. Now he's started calling me babe.
    What should I do?

  5. #5
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    I think you are right to be worried and if you insist on meeting up with him, do it in a public place. Don't go on this boat of his and be alone with him, maybe talk in a restaurant about how he's coming on too strong?

  6. #6
    Junket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lis12 View Post
    I'm soon to be 35 and he's around 47. The scary thing is we have never met but he has seen my pictures and keeps telling me how beautiful I am etc and then he sends me this email. We've only been talking for 1 month. I'm in Ottawa, canada and he's in California. It seems like he's getting obsessed with me. Is this guy stalker material?
    I feel relatively safe though since we are 2000+ miles apart and we communicate through an on-line forum so he doesn't know my email address.
    Don't women normally fantasize about things like this it just seems really strange. Now he's started calling me babe.
    What should I do?
    Tell him to back the f*ck off.

  7. #7
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    CREEPY! I'm a dude, and I'm all creeped out.
    Do you guys see each other as friends or romance material? It all depends on the context of your emails back and forth.
    He's kinda an older man, and sounds suave but a little desperate. You can tell he's not just gonna want to kiss. Geez.
    Who would fall for something like this anyway?

  8. #8
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    Write back with your own scenario, one that has you in public the whole time, not out on his boat or in a hotel room alone with him.
    Spammer Spanker

  9. #9
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    God, I'd have thrown up all over after reading that and after only knowing him a month. Not only does he have it all planned, but he's assuming you are going to be feeling the exact same way he CLAIMS to feel, down to even knowing how you will react in scenarios - all hot and heavy when he kisses you, this crying on the plane when you leave him...ugh, who does he think he is? Brad Pitt?

    No more than talking his way into your panties and to do that, feels he has to smooth talk you and fill your head with shit.

  10. #10
    IndiReloaded's Avatar
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    Then we head back to our rooms and continue to talk, in my thoughts we both don’t want to stop being together.
    ...... <what happens here??>
    After breakfast the next morning
    Its hard to say. Communication tools like online forums has created a new dynamic in dating. But it does seem a bit much for someone you've never met and considering his age I would expect him to be more reserved. I used to get letters like that from my college BF, but we knew each other and *were dating*. They were also meant to be somewhat tongue in cheek.

    He certainly seems taken with you. Ted Bundy might have acted like that. Maybe you should Skype first before meeting and try to get a bit more 'real' in your interactions.
    Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
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  11. #11
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    Well what do we suppose happens there.....he's hoping to get laid, LOL.

  12. #12
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    Oh god, I'd be so turned off by an email like that!! I mean, maybe he is actually a nice guy but kinda clueless and thinks women want/like that kind of thing.

  13. #13
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    I told him we were probably never going to meet so why do you guys think he wants to get into my pants? I just get this creepy vibe from his emails. He's going to be out of town for 2 weeks starting Monday. Maybe he will forget about me.
    He checks to see when I'm online. He reads my posts and threads to "find out more about me". After he told me about hte warmness he feels in his heart for me I got weirded out. He kept emailing me thinking he had offended me.
    Why do I attract these weirdos.
    Glad to see that I'm not the only one who thinks he's weird. I posted this to see if you guys thought he was a little off his rocker too.

  14. #14
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    ok guys here's ANOTHER email:

    Good night Babe, I really like calling you that.
    It's time for me to get going. Dang, I can't beleive you make me want to stay at work so we could talk. Is that crazy or what??[/

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by lis12 View Post
    I told him we were probably never going to meet so why do you guys think he wants to get into my pants?
    He is doing the kind of thing that 'some' guys will do and to get into your pants. They tend to come on strongly and almost immediatley. They 'sweet talk' and 'smooth talk', tell you everything that they think a woman wants to hear. This guy has told you that he feels a 'warmness' in his heart for you. Any man who claims to be feeling a strong connection and so early is talking sheer bollocks. He has never met you in real life and doesn't know you and to be feeling a connection. You should always be wary and cautious of the guy who moves too fast and too soon. A genuinely interested man, takes his time and doesn't rush or rush you.

    Don't worry, you are not the only one who attracts this type - I do also, lol. I think all women and at one time have dealt with this type....the 'fast mover' and nine times out of ten, he is looking to get laid and as quickly as possible. That is why he will lure you in and lay it on thickly and from the very start. Women have fallen for it many times, particularly women online where this type is commonly found.... and they always end up hurt.

    I have dealt with this type recently. I'd been chatting to him for 2 weeks and already he'd claimed to feel something for me and was planning things for when and if we met. But this guy has NEVER met me, knows NOTHING about me....and I aint stoopid enough to think that some guy has fallen for me and without having ever met me, LOL. He'd told me that he'd drive up to see me and it would take him 3 hours to get here. He'd said that when he got here, than rather than drive back, he hoped I'd allow him to spend the night, or two at my place...WTF??? I'd said to him, 'I'm sorry, but what kind of woman do you think I am? Sorry, but you won't be spending any night at my place, you would need to book a hotel, when and if I decide to meet you'. And he'd asked if I'd join him in the hotel. WTF??
    I stopped talking to him....it was sooo obvious what he was really after. Now he won't let up from calling me and despite my telling him not to call. Yet another number I will have to change.

    If you are wise, you will take everything he says with a pinch of salt. Don't become the next woman to be fooled by this kind of man.

    Has he mentioned meeting you? Or is he seeming to be rushing to meet you?

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