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Thread: How can you tell a woman fancies you?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    How can you tell a woman fancies you?

    I've been friends with a girl i've known since college, and today she arrived back from holiday (which she'd been travelling around Europe for 5 weeks).
    During those 5 weeks was her birthday so i got her a card and saved it for when she got back.
    This morning i txt her and asked if it would be okay if i come by to pop the card off to her and she rang me up and said it was fine.
    She openend the door and seemed really shy towards me, i sat down in living room (her mum was there) and we started talking....all the time in the corner of my eye i saw her gazing at me (i wasn't imagining it), i got up to let her dog into the garden and i looked over to her and she looked me up and down and smiled.
    An hour later i got up and said i best be off she looked at me and pulled a sad face, then she got up after me to see me out of the door....thats when she turned round and said "so...was it good to see me again?" so i just joked and said "a teeny bit yeah" then there was this awkward silence and i felt that i should've given her a hug or something but i chickened out and it ended with her saying "txt me and tell me what you think of that chocolate" (she got me a gift)

    But heres the downer....When i got home i left it 2 hours to see if she'd txt me first...she didnt and usually she txts me a lot....So i don't know how to take this, maybe im just reading into things too much.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    It sounds like she does fancy you, she may have realised this during the time she was away. If she does fancy you, this could explain why she didn't text you, as she would see you.differently. See if things go back to normal within a week or two. If they don't, you can consider making a move. But be warned that sometimes if she doesn't feel the same way, this may ruin the friendship. So try to look for the signs that she fancies you, if you struggle to notice them, look them up on Google, there are lots of websites to help with situations like this.

  3. #3
    Gribble's Avatar
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    All over the damn place.
    Typically when she allows me to insert my penis into her mouth that's when I start thinking she might fancy me a bit.
    God, so atrocious in the Old Testament, so attractive in the New--the Jekyl and Hyde of sacred romance.
    -Mark Twain

    If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
    -Albert Einstein

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Well you have to realize how shy she is....clearly. So when you were....slow to respond to her obvious hints she may be feeling a bit more insecure than usual now. So, you need to show some intiative if you"re intersted, otherwise, dont lead her on.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    she might have not texted you/stopped texting so much because she got unsure about how you felt about her. It seems like she does fancy you. However, it's always difficult to tell from just reading a post on a forum. So did you actually text her and told her whether you liked that chocolate she brought you? If no, you should do it and say thank you again for the gift! She's probably waiting for it. Also, try and meet up with her again and see how she behaves then. She's probably pretty shy. So yeah, I definitely agree with Icognito: Show some initiative.

    Good luck!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    She's so hard to read....one minute she's hot with me the next cold.
    Okay i didn't mention this in the post but she's been seeing a guy that lives quite away from where we live....I've always been happy to be a good friend to her, i have never forced myself onto her. She's been "seeing" this guy for like half a year but rarely face to face due to the distance and work and okay i may of been snooping a bit but im on another forum which coincidently she is too and i clicked on the "find all posts" by her....she's recently posted saying how she isnt interested in sex and cannot orgasm over the person she is seeing.
    She's always been a bit of a flirt with me, but like today she has been cold with me, on msn she hasnt said "hey" or anything.
    Other night though she was showing pics of her holiday and was laid next to me on her bed...i joked about one of the pics and she smiled to herself and moved in closer to me, after she had shown me the pics she put them away and got laid down next to me looking at my face and then she put her head on my chest, after that my eye started watering really badly (for some reason) and she put her hand on my cheek and turned my head slowly towards hers...i thought she wanted to kiss me but even then i never took advantage of that.
    I know this is long, im just updating you with the full (as i can) story. Also the replies to her forum post where such things like "you need to get out, get out GET OUT of that relationship...sounds like just a platonic friendship" another reply was "If my partner could'nt orgasm over me i'd think they just want a friendship" But then she replied with "I do love him but scared it will die cos its kinda a new relationship...he said he isn't bothered about the sexual side"
    So i dont know what to do next...i dont really wanna give my advice to her cos then she may think im wanting her to end things with him....cos obviously she must know i fancy her....surely?!

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