for some reason I can't get over this one girl I met recently. I went to high school with her but never talked to her and didn't really find her attractive until this year. She's inexperienced with men, and up until recently hasn't even kissed a guy, mostly due to her unconventional look (which for some reason I find so attractive). We started going to the same parties and an interest in her started to build when my friend said that "she thinks I'm cute" or something of the sort. One night I got pretty drunk and was flirting with her all night, I even got her number. Word got around that I'm interested though, which isn't ever really good. The night after at a different party she was extremely drunk and my friend said she was all over me. She was touching me a lot and we pretty much shattered the touch barrier with various hand holding and arm around her type stuff. The cops broke the party and she was really scared due to past experiences, so I sort of protected her from them. She said to her friends to tell me I was really nice...girls don't like nice guys from what I hear.

The only problem is she has never really showed any interest. She did that one night but that could have been because she was pretty drunk. But then I think about it, and I'm really shy around her, so I don't really show any interest either unless I'm drunk. I'm hoping we're both just very shy because we both have virtually no experience in dating, and don't have heaping amounts of confidence when it comes to the opposite sex. I've never seen her flirt with other men, so I'm probably one of the only ones in her life that has done so with her lately. Anyways, tonight I saw her again at a party, and we barely drank (and therefore didn't talk much) but I can't help but wonder...

So I was thinking of just going all in and texting her or messaging her on facebook saying something like "I always find parties a hard place to have actual conversations with someone. I think we should go get some coffee or something sometime because I would like to get to know you a little more." It's not as good as in person, but it's so hard to strike up individual conversations with people at parties like the ones I go to. I've dealt with a similar type of girl and it lead me to constantly think "does she like me?" so I would really just like to put myself out there, and then if she isn't interested I can move on. Would this be weird? What should I do?