Oh no as i stated it was him, he was ready, his fault as much as hers.
Yeah they have kids hers are older than ours.
Oh something else, I left him 9 years ago for a period so he would be ultra wary about coming back. Why did I leave? Depression.
Lets see once a cheater always a cheater. Bull.
Plain and simple.
You are right adultery doesn't cure depression it would have been adultery if we had been together, we weren't, he may have been preparing for her but nothing happened till he left me.
An EA yep but still not adultery.
When I was depressed I would stand and figure out ways of trying to murder him. Murder doesn't cure depression either but that didn't stop me from seriously considering it. When depressed you look for an escape route his was someone else. Mine I bolted as well as I wanted to kill.
BUT once again that doesn't mean he isn't at fault, he was ready.
Why didn't he go to the Dr?
Because like so many people suffering from depression you don't know until something really stupid happens, like thnking about murder (me) or like thinking about suicide (which is what prompted him to the Dr).
Go google research on depression, people doen't always exhibit symptoms until they do something majorly out of character. People think it's about feeling sad, it's more than that and it is an awful debilitating disease that skews peoples thinking. Anger, hatred, fear, paranoia, loss of ego. the list is endless.
He is now on meds and I see more of the old him theen I have done in the past year (she wasn't around then not even in the same state they met through work), if he comes home I take the risk, not you.
What is really ironic. 8 months ago I would have said the same thing, if he walks f*ck him. If he's with someone else well I deserve better.
and then it happened to me.
I love him.
18 years with him, not perfect but 18 fabuous years.
5 children.
Same goals, same dreams.
I have been on dates and enjoyed myself. I moved on but the love doesn't die when there was nothing bad before.
He wants a second chance I will give it to him. My choice, if I didn't want to I wouldn't.
He doesn't blame me, although he felt unloved was what he stated, it came out in discussions not as an accusation, I said I felt unloved because the hours he was working.
Meh no use trying to talk to brick walls, they won't change. LOL
My choice NOT his to accept him back.
My choice not his to be the OW.
Really to be honest and fair in this I'm the dog too.