I have a broken relationship and I am just trying to find out positive thoughts to change my view about that bad experience, to be happy.
Reason why I am more upset is, because of my faults and immature behaviour at that time, that relationship was broken.

Let me tell you briefly what exactly was that.

I am 29 years old guy. I am single now and I don't have any kids.
I was in a relationship for a year & half with a nice lady. She was pretty and simple and sober. I have average look and shy personality. I am hard working guy and I have really big dreams for my career. Because of my shy nature, I sometimes face obstacles in my career and in personal life.

In that relationship, that was clearly my fault. I was asking her to give more attention to me and I was expecting more care from her. She was enough good and was taking care of me but as I was being greedy and emotionally more dependable. She could not handle that kind of behaviour and she left me.

Even after almost 2 years, I miss her and the reason is, whenever I try to find another woman, I subconsciously match her with my ex lady. And because I could not find better match according to my expectations, I feel depress.

I try to change my view. Just to feel comfortable and happy, sometimes I tell to myself that, "in that relationship, I was not in a fault. She was not enough mature to handle me and that was her fault". By thinking so, I feel good for few minutes or for few hours only.

My friends & few relatives advice me that I should compromise with my high expectations but I think, my expectations are not so high. I just need pretty and carrying natured wife who is always loyal to me & who generate good environment for my family and for my kids.

Within these 2 years, I tried to change my behaviour and I believe that I have changed it little bit. But I am not getting nice woman according to my expectations. Because of that I can't concentrate on my career & I am being now unstable in my career.

I don't know, How can I change my thoughts. I think, If I can change my thinking pattern, I can be more relaxed and happy.

Will you please advice me for 'positive self talk' or something like that ?

I am waiting for your reply,
Thanx in advance.