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Thread: is this the end?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    is this the end?

    For the last month I feel like god has given us a sign. We fight all the time, I cheated, and now after all is said and done, He has a job offering in another state. When we started fighting did the angel of death come and split us up? Did our love die like in final destination and we are just dodging it? There are so many things ending our relationship, but we both don’t want it to end. Will these signs keep coming? None of my friends think we will last. I don’t know what will happen but I wish we had a future. I (23) will be making in the 6 figures when I am his age. He is unemployed (37). What do I do?
    Last edited by socialbuttasofl; 03-08-10 at 09:06 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    I don't really believe in God or an angel of death, but rather honesty, openness, trust and sharing. It sounds like your relationship is seriously lacking all of these things. You seem to think you har absolutely no control over the way things will turn out!! How long have you been together? Why did you stay after he cheated?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I was the one that cheated but I dont know if I would call it cheating since I was highly intoxicated and dont remember anything, not even the mans face. I was blacked out. I came to my boyfriend after and told him what had happened. We have been together for allmost a year. 11 months total. I feel like I dont know and dont have control because I am sticking with him and I am doing everything I can to keep us together but little things keep popng up and its all making me realize we just may not be meant for eachother. I dont know what to do. I love him but I know I have to think for myself too.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    In a tree somwhere (I'm on the fifth leaf on the 16th branch)
    Are the fights petty? If it is then move on. If its really serious, then work it out. if you don't see the fights gradually decrease, move on.
    He who laughs last, thinks the slowest

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