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Thread: Awkward, Goodbyes and annoying friends

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Awkward, Goodbyes and annoying friends

    need some advise. me and my GF have been going out since about the start 0f 2010. I first kissed her about april, but it was really awkward, because we were playing truth or dare with 4-5 other friends and they dared us to kiss for 10 seconds. I was up for it but she pulled after 3 seconds. I realise that she didnt really want to kiss me for that long, and I've only kissed her twice since (like pecking on the lips). I liked it but it felt seriously awkward, because of our friends watching and that she didnt feel like she wanted to, and both the other times it felt awkward in the same way to, even though we were alone. I really enjoy being with her, and I want to kiss her again, but she never seems to want to kiss me. Its kinda complicated.

    Another thing is when we say goodbye. Recently I went on a 2 week holiday to greece, And she came to my house a couple of days before I left. anyway, when the time came, I walked her to he moms car at a carpark down the road, and as we approached it, we hugged said love you and goodbye, and she ran to the car. I started to walk off and after a minute or so the car drove past me, but she completely blanked me. She MUST have seen me because she wasn't really doing anything, and even If she hadnt, she must have known I'd be there because its the same route we walked to get to the carpark. If it had been the other way round, I would have looked out for her. Also if I was walking down the street and she was in a car driving past she'd beep the horn and smile and wave at me, so why not then?

    One last thing, this isnt really relationship advice, but is linked to it. If i'm at say the cinema with my GF and our friends, and I hug my GF, they go all soppy and start saying "Awww, thats so cute!" and stuff like that, and it really get on my nerves! I mean, I like them n all and I consider them good friends and visa versa (My GF has known most since she was little, where as I have only properally known them since we started going out) but when they do it this it really annoys me. Is there a way I can tell them to, basically, shut up without seeming rude or something? I don't want to lose them as friends, but they just make it awkward for me and my GF, who also finds it annoying (although i suspect not as much as I do).

    Thanks in advance, Sorry for just making this out of the blue and not telling my name and stuff, but I'm here for advice, and would rather not shed and personal details thanks again.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    awww.... you sound so young...what was your question once again?
    The male is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness, can be trained to do most things

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    yeah the lack of intimacy and your friends reactions makes you all sound diddy. how old are you?
    They called us a dead generation,
    They told us that we wouldn't survive
    They left us alone in the maelstrom
    As you can see we're all clearly alive.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    They only make those sounds because they wish they had a girlfriend/boyfriend. The best way is to say "Jealous?" and passionately kiss your girl. Confidence is key!
    I'm not good at beating around the bush or sugar-coating things. My responses are never personal vendetta's on your emotional state. It is what it is, whether you choose to accept it or not. <3

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