Hello everyone,

I am guy who wants everyone to be happy even if happiness does not find me.

I love both men and women. However, men have gotten a bad rep in recent days which is disheartening. There are men that really want a relationship with a woman, have lots of kids, and be happy. Just as femininity has changed for the past few decades, so have men. However, no one seems to realize that it took men to equal the playing field because men do love women. Most women think that they broke through barriers etc and that is true to a degree. No one recognizes the men who helped in that endeavor of women's rights.

Now, I see more women wanting to literally castrate men too (all men). This is totally unacceptable. Women need to be women and men need to be men. We are certainly destroying ourselves with these battle of the sexes garbage. No one gender is superior to the other and no one is perfect not even the person reading this. Instead, we must be harmonious in everything we do. We must take a step back and figure out what we have done and where we are taking our society. More importantly, love must return to the mainstream.

Anyway, that is what I feel right now. Like I said, I love both men and women. Why? Because they both have very much needed qualities on this earth.

Let's stop the insanity and get back to basics. Loving people for everything they are should be the new motto for the next generation.