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Thread: First love..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    First love..

    July, 11th of last year... My first boyfriend and first love left me..
    He really didnt give me areason, he said he just didnt love me at the time..
    now i found out he was moving..

    Okay.... he dated on the internet.. but the love was real..

    When he left, he said I have a chance again when we speak again.. but by the time i spoke to him... He found someone else..

    I instantly broke into tears hearing him say that..

    A year has passed.. and I'm still so in love with him.. No matter what he does, I still do..
    He ignores me, he says how much he loves her... and it hurts.. so.. much..
    I care about him, he's one of my closest friends.. but for this long, i have been depressed.. and considered suicide many times. But I will never do it.

    Everything he does just makes me fall more and more in love with him.. I HAVE TRIED MY BEST TO MOVE ON, it doesn't work..

    I'm so lost, I know this is wrong..
    But i have a boyfriend of 5 months, who loves me and I love him, he understands tmy situation and is there for me 100% but i hate that i hurt him..

    I have tried so hard to move on.... I want it to eave... but my heart is hanging onto him and i cant get it to let go..

    Please help me..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I'm probably not the best person to give advice, because I'm not quite cynical enough for this situation...but I always believe that if you love someone enough, you should never let them go no matter what, and there's always a way you can make it work. If I were in your shoes, I would do my absolute best to be there for him as a friend right now. Anytime he mentions his current girl, agree kindly or whatever, but change the topic. Create new fun experiences with him, and also help him remember the old ones. Don't be sad or upset around him. He's in a relationship, so he's bound to have problems with her at some point because no relationship is perfect, so you be the girl he always has fun with. Be someone he can turn to when things are rough with his gf to talk to or have fun with. If you do these things correctly he will begin to see you in a new light, and also remember the old good time you two had together. His subconscious won't be able to help but tell him you=fun good times and she=problems.

    This of course is only if you want to try and get him back. If you're trying to move on then I don't know what to say because I'm absolutely terrible at that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I try to talk to him... but he doesn't care... He's always ignoring me.. im lost.. but i'll take your advice. thank you

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by lost emotions View Post
    I try to talk to him... but he doesn't care... He's always ignoring me.. im lost.. but i'll take your advice. thank you
    Perhaps specifically tell him you should only be just friends. Make it sound like your idea. What do you talk about when you guys talk?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I do the talking... I just try to make a convo by asking how he is and whats he been up too... He is the one taht wants to be friends, but he's made it so hard for me because he says "i still feel something but it's wrong" He's a very good person, I just wish things were different..

  6. #6
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    Mar 2009
    You will never get over this guy if you keep talking to him. You have to stop all contact for a while before you'll begin to see positive results. Any of the veteran posters on here will tell you the same thing. He probably hasn't blocked you completely yet because he's trying to be sympathetic to your hurt feelings. What he doesn't realize is that cutting you out of his life for good is the best thing for you.

    And you have a boyfriend? You can't possibly love this guy because you haven't even let go of your ex. Man, your boyfriend must be hurting to know that you're still pining away for your ex. An ex that doesn't even want you romantically anymore. It is quite selfish of you to string him along in this way while you try to fill the void.

  7. #7
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    Aug 2010
    When he tells you things like that you should respond light heartedly. Say something like "It's not wrong it's just how you feel and you can't help that. But we shouldn't dwell on it being friends is good too".

  8. #8
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    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by WaiKru View Post
    When he tells you things like that you should respond light heartedly. Say something like "It's not wrong it's just how you feel and you can't help that. But we shouldn't dwell on it being friends is good too".
    You can't be friends with someone you're in love with. It doesn't work. Unless you enjoy heartache.

  9. #9
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    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by lahnnabell View Post
    You can't be friends with someone you're in love with. It doesn't work. Unless you enjoy heartache.
    It depends if they love you back. If so, the friendship will eventually lead to more.

  10. #10
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    Aug 2010
    It's possible to be friends with him.. He's not one to let go of. He's there for me all the time..
    I'm talking to him now about it... I'm scared so bad i feel like vomiting

    My boyfriend, Yes... He hurts.. I know that, I think about that 24/7.. but i cant let him go. I've known my ex for 5 years.. and no matter what i do, there's no way these feelings are gonna go.. he was my FIRST LOVE.. feelings will always be there no matter how hard I push.

    Jose, is very understandable.. He knows the pain im going through, and I know im hurting him.. I have talked to him about it and he does not want me to leave, it's possible to love two people at once.. trust me.. I'm going through that right now..

  11. #11
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    Well, you obviously don't want to fix this terrible situation. So, I will leave you.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    In a tree somwhere (I'm on the fifth leaf on the 16th branch)
    I'm afraid you'd do something crazy if I tell you to take some time off for yourself without any distractions. If you don't face this and keep padding it with new boyfriends, it'll haunt you. You should get proper closure. Not a text message, not a phonecall, and of course, NEVER ON FACEBOOK. You need to go out with him and talk it out. DON'T ASK HIM TO BE BACK. Just close it. You'll feel a lot better. After that, he'll be a part of a happy memory.
    He who laughs last, thinks the slowest

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by lost emotions View Post
    He's there for me all the time..
    Now wait...I thought you said he always ignores you and pulls away?

  14. #14
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    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by WaiKru View Post
    Now wait...I thought you said he always ignores you and pulls away?
    She's desperately reading into every little movement of his in order to get the response she wants from him. She's trying to see his behavior as hope that he actually does love her and want to be with her. It's her only excuse to cling to him so desperately.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by lost emotions View Post
    I'm so lost, I know this is wrong..
    But i have a boyfriend of 5 months, who loves me and I love him, he understands tmy situation and is there for me 100% but i hate that i hurt him..(
    you are so screwed up. i pity your current boyfriend.

    then again, seems like he deserves it since he KNOWS about it and lets you continue the nonsense.

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