Gaming solo ‘How to go out by yourself’
The term 'Gaming solo' means that you go out alone purely in the pursuit of attracting women seeking a close (FB, number, kiss, etc).
There's various reasons why guys might prefer to game alone, for instance: A move of location, competition from your own friendship group, a lack of energy in the people you currently know, or simply your looking for a better set of relationships than what you currently have.
For me personally, I've moved around the UK a lot and even tried to live in Lisbon, Portugal several times and each time I've had to set up new relationships in the location I live. I'm not a particularly patient man and like to have the connections established very soon. So I have some experience in having to do this.
For many years I've been practicing Solo game and I have come to prefer it. Why do I think its better than gaming with a wing man? however for many guys who are getting into the PUA techniques they may find themselves with people who know very little about game and probably aren't particularly interested about improving their results with women, in this situation you are left with two choices, seek out a local community of pick or artists You could easily find a wing through one of the forums or even better through]Get me the Girl, the leading UK PUA training company coaching guys how to pick up, attract and seduce the women and girls of their dreams[/url]
What I recommend as the best solution is to start practicing what you've learnt in the field.....NOW, TODAY! The quickest way to learn is by doing, all other methods are inferior I can promise you that! The feedback you learn from going out by yourself and getting that interaction with people will give you a clear indication of what works and what doesn't sure methods are great but once you have a good strong experience of what gaming feels like you can then work various pieces of patter and body language into your routine.
I think the concept of wingmen is great however in practice its very hard to find a wingman at the same level of experience as yourself, and they will probably hold you back... if not compete with you at getting the most attractive girl.
The argument for solo game is that you can pick and choose your own targets, use it as an excuse to meet new people. Sure it can seem as if you have no friends but that's why you need to work the venue to get people nodding and smiling at you and you can heat the room up, its just too comfortable to rely on a wingman to lead the exchanges, or prevent you from approaching the groups you really feel drawn to.
I always think 'what's the worst that could happen' and I focus on it and make sure I finish the thought to the extent that I experience the full situation for what realistically could happen, and its truly never that bad. When you go out solo the worst thing that could happen is that you have gone out and listened to some great music in a great environment and had a enjoyable drink.
When you arrive at the venue you should already be excited, you should have spent time getting yourself ready listening to music and dancing and singing by yourself, you could call up old friends and speak to people on the telephone you've never spoke to before (look through Facebook Phonebook for numbers) that way your ready to talk to people you've never spoke to before.
You should arrive at the venue and know that your only leaving at the end of the night, that way you can't simply take the first few uninteresting moments as an excuse to leave the club.
Its always worth just focusing on the music initially, it is good to get your first few conversations going with Bar staff (who are bored) and their friends who sit around the bar usually on their own waiting for the bar staff to finish.
These get you into practice in speaking to new people and running your set, if you smoke then its a great opportunity to go outside and speak to people, if not you can simply just hang out there like you need a breath of fresh air and talk to the smokers.
With approaching large groups, to make friends or get close to girls; I think if there is a big mixed set and you don't simply want to go in their and run your set. You could start off the night a little more low energy and pick off one or two people on the edge of the group to have a conversation with and then bring the other members of the group into it, tell a story and ask for their opinion while using the outside guys as your support.
You'll quickly develop friends and relations with the hot girls of those friends... and if you don't.... well you can do the same tomorrow night.
Vince Lynch
Get me the Girl