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Thread: I'm new... help?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    I'm new... help?

    This all takes place on Monday night/Tuesday morning.

    Ok so I met this guy essentially for a hookup through craigslist. (Queue boos and jeers.. I know..) He is 24 and I am 19. We exchanged a few emails back and forth and then we chatted for an hour or so on Y messenger. I dont have a car so he came and picked me up and we went back to his hotel room. Upon arriving we talked for a little while getting to know eachother etc etc. It turns out hes from Seattle, WA and is going on a road trip to Florida.

    He makes the first move and we then procede to have sex. Afterwards he jokingly says "Can I take you to florida with me!!". (Clearly joking but yeah). He asks If I want to take a shower together. Then he asks me if im hungry, we then went downstairs and had dinner together, getting to know eachother even further. During dinner he asks me what my last name is so that he can add me to facebook, he couldnt find it so he was going to do it later but it would probably be a few days. After dinner we go back to his apartment and watch tv for a little while. We both were getting fairly aroused groping eachother during it so I go down on him.

    He asks me if I want to stay the night to which I reply that I do. We both snuggle/cuddle together in bed, and basically I fall asleep with his arms wrapped around me. In the morning I help him take his luggage out to his car and he drives me home. In the car I told him that I had actually considered going with him on his trip for a second, and if that was a bad thing. He said no and kind of patted me on the head. At my house I mention that If he cant find me on facebook that hes got my email and # so just ask me and he says will do and smiles.

    Heres a rundown of what happened afterward... Me being half awake fudging things up. >.<
    @ ~ 8 in the morning
    Me: I didnt even shake your hand or give you a hug. Sorry lol. So out of it.
    Him: It's cool. I'm still asleep :-)
    Me: You think youll ever come back here? lol
    Him: Prob not man, this place kind of depresses me.
    Me: Lame Ill have to go out to seattle sometime. One of my best friends lives there.
    Him: Cool. Def let me know

    At this point i pass out and wake up at like 3 in the afternoon and shoot him this text.
    "Wow Guess I was tired haha. You make it to Utah yet?"
    He didnt respond to it, so Im not really sure what this means. He also hasn't added me yet. I'm assuming this means hes not interested? I tend to go crazy and over analyze what people do.

    Im not sure if hes playing some sort of game to get me to talk to him or if hes not even interested. Should I call him and ask him if he feels the same way that I am? Even still hes going to be in florida till january so im not even sure how this would work... all I know is that Im starting to like him even more. :S

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    I doubt this was his first 'hook up' over craigslist. He was lonely, you were lonely, he got poontang from you. And now that you're just a notch on his lamp post (or whatever the phrase is), he's moved on. You should too.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Mmmm, enjoy what moment u guys had. Ya, i think it was a hook up too. So, just move on for now. imo

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Guess I was just looking into it too much

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