Okay sooo i feel like ima jus empty out my heart here..
i really need some advice.

i am 19 years old. i attend college.
boy friend and i jus broke up on monday.
we was having alot of problems.. we argued way too much.
we kinda rushed into our relationship we only talked for about 2 weeks before making it official.
but i still grew to love him sooo much.. he was sooo special to me...
last month all we did we was argue... and arguee and arguee
yet he always blamed himself.. i never caused any of the fights..
he was always the rude one and he admits to it...
he was a religious guy but he had stopped going to church a few months before we start dating.
he said he needed to go back to church because he was not acting like himself..
he was never rude... he never started fights or anything.. he seemed to be depressed.
he also doesnt have a job nor his GED... so that made him more depressed and angry at life...
yet another thing that made us argue was that i was soo insecure about myself and the relationship
id always ask him if he loved me.... or what was goin on.... why was he being mean.. why didnt he tell me he loved me ...
so i guess it was my fault aswell...
monday he tells me that we need to take time off... that we need to get to kno each other a lil more...
that he needs to get his head straight... that he needs to go to church.. that he cant be in a relationship at the moment.
and of course im tryn to talk him outta it..
tellin him that i can help him get a job and get his GED.. that we can start going to church and all that stuff
and he says no.... that he wants to be alone for awhile.. and of course... im devistated !!!!!!!!!!!!!
im balling my eyes out.. i feel like i jus got kicked in the stomach... what im not sure is... what if hes tellin me that he wants a break but what he really means is tat he doesnt want anythn to do wit me?? i mean for the past 2 days we've talkd and txtd like friends...... Oh and another thing is that even thou we broke up.. im still offering to help him.... he claims to be falling into a depression and that really worrys me.. he called me last night crying.. and of course i broke into tears too cause i can handle to see nor hear him like that... he hasnt eatn rightt.. which worries me.. he is diabetic he needs to eat. and it all jus makes me cryy.. i asked him yesterday if he wanted to go to church with me on thursday for youth group.. he said maybe.. now today he tells me he doesnt wanna go.. he doesnt want my help nor anybody.. he wants to get outta this depression by himself... and i cant see him like that.. i breaks my heart. i love this kid soo much.soo now he saying he wants to go back to Puerto Rico ( we're both puerto rican) to get his GED over there since is easier cuz its in spanish ( he doesnt kno much english).. it takes 3 months to get it over there... but i dont want him to leave.. i tell him he can get over here in spanish and he says no.. cause the classes are still in english.. i dont want him to leave... not so i can be wit him but because puerto rico is Bad!!! its dangerous over there.. he says he wants to go then maybe come back nd do sumthing small over here.. maybe go to a community college.. but thats a maybe.. and that maybe jus breaks my heart more than what it already is.. it hurts me.. knowing he doesnt want my helpp.. im devistated.. i cant see him like this... at the moment i dnt care much about gettin back wit him but more about his health!!! he cant be doing this to himself..