
Its my first time on this thread, so I'm hoping you ladies could help me out. I'm a guy, 19 years old... and about 8 months ago, my best friend introduced me to his best (girl)friend and ever since then, me and her have really hit it off, instantly. Although we live in different countries, she calls me everyday, we constantly text each other, and speak on skype. So basically, we became best friends immediately. four months into this friendship, i started to develop feelings for her altho me and her havent seen each other in about five months. She lives in the country that I go to every summer and christmas vacation. Because me and her are so honest with each other, I told her how i felt but she always thought I was joking. Then, I went to my home town in the summer and spent every minute of every day with her, so when I mentioned it again that I had feelings for her, she believed me but had nothing to say, she said she was confused.

This girl is, by far, the cutest, most adorable girl I've ever met in my entire life. I have never been so comfortable with a girl my entire life and I would really like to have her as my girlfriend. Anyways, one month into my summer break, I bought her a really really nice (and expensive) bracelet to show her how much she means to me. At first, she didn't want to take it because "there was no occasion or reason for it" but I eventually gave it to her. I constantly tell her how much i love her, how much i enjoy spending time with her and how adorable she is. she does the same, but she also told me that she can only see me as a friend. Also, shes VERY attached to me. she cannot go two hours without calling or texting me and shes constantly telling me how much i make her smile/laugh, etc but still- im just her best friend.
Now, I am back at the country where I study... and I've tried everything with her. I've tried distancing myself from her, I've tried removing her from my life completely, ive tried smothering her with constant attention, and now... I told her that I was completely over her, but we still chat everyday. However, I am not smothering her. She keeps telling me really cute things but I respond in a very dry manner and she says that its making her angry but she hasnt said anything about this making her "want" to have feelings for me, she just says that im pissing her off and she wants me to go back to being the way i was.

So, now... I don't know what to do! I've tried everything, but I'm not going to give up because i have never felt this way about any girl in my entire life!! and I get the feeling like she has feelings for me but she doesn't know it.

any advice/help would be very much appreciated, thanks!