The NC Rule
Some help here would be appreciated. Its been almost 2 weeks since today my gf dumped me, ok I would not say she's officially dumpd me but it all happend over some stupid txt msg etc and she took it too personally and decided to end out strong loving relationship after almost 1 yr, so she ended it not me.

And as for this I have if not havent called, txt etc etc her for 2 weeks not, nothing absolute 0.

So I have been applying the NC or NO Contact rule here onto her, meaning if she dumped me etc I will refuse to get intouvh with her i.e to call, txt, visit etc etc.

1. Whats the idea of the NC rule.
2. So does it mean to totally dont call them, txt sms what ever, i,e zero.
3. Ok so if she dumpd me or what ever does this mean I apply the NC rule, and if it was the opposite than i.e me dumping her than
the NC rule would be applied from her