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Thread: me carrying on about the ex again

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    me carrying on about the ex again

    hey all
    when i was dumped i was not given a reason. i was told "lets see how we go haveing some time apart". so i didnt get a reason. i know its because we were too nervous to make things work, however i know that it will work if we try again. what should i do? i have been tryin to get over her, i really have, but i dont wanna gove up on somethin i know that will work....i have even been told that she didnt wanna get back together because she was scared that she might hurt me if we broke up again. what kind of an excuse is that? i would care if we broke up again, but i wouldnt be that worried becuase i would have got the second chance i want.
    this sucks, what should i do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Houston, TX
    Hey man, had much the same problem myself. I have to say that at the very least ask her for a real reason, and reassure her that even if its just that she was scared you want to know. Let her know that you think things can work but you understand that she needs to come to that on her own.

    Basically once you tell her how you feel and ask her for her true feelings, its all in her court.

    Good luck my friend

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Dublin, Ireland
    Deja Vu! I never had a reason for my break up. She never told me, not even her friends were able to explain the break up, but that's past.
    I don't see a real problem here. She ask you to give her a time, why don't you do that ? She didn't say doesn't love you anymore, she just want some time for her, she knows what you feel about her. Respect her wish and give her time. Keep in touch with her, just to know how is everything, school, work stuff like that. Be her friend. She probably will "tell" you when she's ready for you both get together again.

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