so im a 15 year old guy and i like this girl. she sorta has a reputation for being a .... and heaps of people judge her without even meeting her when she is sober. so when i met her we were talking and stuff and i started to like her. She would hug me and hold hands and stuff. The rest of that week we saw each other every day, (with other people) and every time i saw her i would like her more.

On one of the days, we went to the fair, it was me, my friend,his gf, her, her boyfriend and his mate. so we were just walking round and we decided to go in the haunted house for fun. but her boyfriend didnt want too because his "didnt have enough money" (he did). So i went in with her and it was actually pretty scary at times. so she was like holding my hand and hugging me and stuff, but i didnt really read too much into, i just thought that she needed someone to protect her or something.

So i kknew that we had chemistry by the way we talked and looked, but i had no idea. so then her best mate found out i liked her, and said that the night before, she had said that if she wasnt going out with her boyfriend she would go out with me. This was also backed up by a few other people.

another day, she got really emotional about her past, and i sat with her cradling and hugging her telling her everything was gunna be alright. i am a caring guy and i really care about this girl. i have been in love before and i am not atm, but my attraction to her is definatly getting stronger.

So im stuck, because she does have a reputation, and people do think shes a .... but the side i see of her is a very nice girl who deserves a boyfriend that treats her right.
What should i do?
I want to ask her out.. but heaps of people say i am making a mistake.
But to be honest, im willing to risk it.
So what do you think.. should i forget about her, or should i follow my emotions and ask her out once her and her boyfriend are done (really soon).

this girl is amazing and i think im starting to love her. if i wasnt i wouldnt be on here.

Please help, i need any opinions i can get.
