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Thread: Still no contact, but 'likes' my Facebook posts?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Still no contact, but 'likes' my Facebook posts?

    I'm still ignoring that girl and carrying on with my life as usual. I've got her hidden on Facebook, only login for a few minutes on Sundays, and I've not looked at her page (or had any desire to do) in 2+ weeks. I've done virtually nothing on there in 3+ weeks, but when I've posted a couple of clever things, she's 'liked' them. I've not reacted to it at all. Basically I've cut myself off Facebook and I'm genuinely happy. I'm going to continue to limit myself to a few minutes on Facebook every other Sunday until the end of the year.

    So should I carry on ignoring her and let her decide if or when she ever cares to acknowledge me in any meaningful way? Or should I 'like' something interesting of her's in a week or two perhaps to show her that I've not got a grudge or any animosity, leaving it at that until she decides to make the next move?

    I don't really care terribly much at the moment, though if there's an opportunity to make a tiny gesture to show that I'm not cross at her but that she's not really of much concern to me anymore I'll take it. If we can be friends, cool. If not, who cares. I assume the 'likes' are simply because the posts were properly good and other people (especially those I've not spoken to in ages) 'liked' or commented on them as well.

    I'm not trying to make too much/anything of it because it's almost nothing more than a 'hey, cool post!' If I wanted to talk to someone or wondered what was going on, I'd just ask. I reckon everyone else acts precisely the same way. Thus, it's nothing at all, yeah?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Thus, it's nothing at all, yeah?
    Yep. You've already put too much thought into something so insignificant. You already knew that, though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Thanks again. Just needed someone else to tell me I'm right. Nothing it is.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Went round to one of my friends last night and while we were talking about something unrelated she said 'By the way, I saw that girl liked your status.' To which her friend said 'Oooh, looks like she's testing the water.' She said she was thinking that as well.

    Doesn't change anything other than it's reassuring to know my thought process's not on an entirely different planet. The three girls are the same age (22) so not sure if it's an age/maturity or an always-hoping-for-the-best outlook.

    I'm not going to do a thing. If she's immature enough to think this an effective way of communicating to me anything other than she finds my posts clever, I'm not going to indulge it. I've already made an arse of myself by trying to read the tea leaves. It's not something I intend to do again.

    Merry, if you don't mind me asking, how old are you?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    You need to stop thinking about it. Part of ignoring her is disregarding what she does... especially something as insignificant as "liking" a post. You're not supposed to avoid doing what you would normally do to get away from her btw.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Mindnumbingly trivial . . . facebook "likes"? . . . means nothing and you know it.

    if she wanted something substantial then at least she'd write a comment or post on your wall, and even then those are pretty meaningless.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by blent View Post
    You need to stop thinking about it. Part of ignoring her is disregarding what she does... especially something as insignificant as "liking" a post. You're not supposed to avoid doing what you would normally do to get away from her btw.
    I'm not avoiding what I normally do. I started spending more time than I should've done on Facebook because that's generally how we kept in touch. So now I'm using less of it as I tend to do while I'm in school.

    I shouldn't care at all I suppose, but at least I care loads less than I did before, yeah? It's just a bit obnoxious to see her name pop up in my notifications thingy when I've hidden her and have been so good about avoid anything to do with her on Facebook and Skype.

    Quote Originally Posted by Agape View Post
    Mindnumbingly trivial . . . facebook "likes"? . . . means nothing and you know it.
    Yeah. I guess I'm the one who's properly immature.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Jelef, there you go again putting too much thought into Facebook. If this were just some girl liking your comments, I'd encourage you to go for it. But it's not just some girl, yeah? Facebook hasn't always been good for you, you know? And you're latching on to any tiny bit of attention from her.

    I'm not going to do a thing. If she's immature enough to think this an effective way of communicating to me anything other than she finds my posts clever, I'm not going to indulge it. I've already made an arse of myself by trying to read the tea leaves. It's not something I intend to do again.
    Tea leaves, I like that. Read this ^^ every time you start giving a shit about "likes" and "pokes" and whatever.

    You're doing good, though. Keep on keepin' on, and possibly block her completely so you don't have to deal with that anymore. At least for a little while.

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