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Thread: So confusd

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    So confusd

    hi Guys

    I've been with my guy for almost 10 months. We were friends for 4 years before that so we know each other pretty well.

    In the beginning he seemed enamored with me. I know 'honeymoon' period wears off in a relationship, but the sex has dwindled down to maybe 3 times a month at most.

    He never wants to have sex with me. Whenever i ask him why or I try to initiate it, he says it's because he's stressed out or too tired.

    We live in Ohio, his mom lives in Florida...so he goes down there to visit maybe 5-6 times a year. There is a girl who I know he is always texting that lives down there. I've told him before that it bothers me that he does that but he thinks I'm overracting just because she is a female friend but I know they flirt.

    He talks sometimes about marrying me and moving in together, blah blah blah, but how am I really supposed to feel when actions aren't following through?

    I guess my questions are, to guys, why would he stop having sex with me? (obvious would be cheating but I don't really see that)

    And secondly, do I have a right to be pissed that he's texting this girl when he claims it's just friendship?

    He says I wouldn't understand his relationships with his female friends.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    ive not got the best track record in relationships. but i cant see why he would not be wanting sex either. stress can affect the body and can make you really tired but if he is suffering from that he should get some advice. i would be pissed of if someone i was going out was texting some one of opposite sex alot aswell so i would be annoyed with that yes. as i said i cant offer much advice but i hope things work out

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    "He never wants to have sex with me. Whenever i ask him why or I try to initiate it, he says it's because he's stressed out or too tired."

    Those two things really kill the mood . . . perhaps try and find out why he is tired and stressed? He can't be this all the time . . . also maybe you can try and spice up the sex life, not the same old stuff.
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