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Thread: I think I might understand dating now

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    I think I might understand dating now

    If I go in with expectations I will ultimately be a virgin the rest of my life... If I go in expecting to be a virgin the rest of my life then I will still be a virgin the rest of my life because women will sense my confidence problems... (that was a joke by the way... here is the real post,)

    I asked a girl out on a dating website. We went to meet at a coney island but there were five on the road. We decided to meet instead at the movie theater and there was a giant glowing red steakhouse sign and we ate there before the movie. We ate and she told me about herself (which was actually interesting). After I paid for the check with my ninja fast credit card waiter skills we headed over to watch the movie. We were going to see paranormal activity but she wanted to see a horse movie which I agreed to and once again ninja paid for. The horse movie surprisingly enough wasn't bad even thought it was rated pg.

    After the movie I told her how much fun I had and asked her if she wanted to go on another date. She kind of agreed but we didn't make any plans. I insisted I walk her to her car (I couldn't allow her to walk herself it was at 11 pm in the night and we weren't too far from Detroit.) In any case when I had made sure she was safely at her car I turned around and was going back to my own car when she asked, "Aren't you at least going to give me a hug." My friends all say she was really asking for a kiss and that I'm a moron. I gave her the hug and we promised to text each other to make sure that we both got home safe. We both did. I texted her again later in the week trying to set something up. She was busy this week. I tried again on Friday but she has parties to go to all weekend.

    When should I ask again? I tend to do it too early.

    ps. I just got another stupid idea in my head... If all's fair in love and war can I combine the two and go on a date with an assault rifle to thwart potential rivals? (it's a joke so don't freak out ).
    Last edited by Lake; 31-10-10 at 11:33 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    somehow some common rules have been established.
    -wait 2 to 3 days to make contact after a date (thats a phone call, not some impersonal text). any less makes you look desperate and any more makes you look like you really aren't interested.
    -many women won't accept a date unless they are made at least 3 days on advance. we don't like looking desperate either.

    a text or an email after a date to AGAIN say what a nice time you had and you would like to meet again. otherwise the other person might think you said this during a date to be polite.

    now it is very likely she had weekend plans already, but if she refuses to make time for a date a second time around or doesn't suggest a different time, chances are she isn't interested. time to back off and tell her to give you a call when she has time, and say no rush or worries. she has your contact info and if she is truly interested she will contact you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    haha.. ninja fast credit card skills.. that made me lol XD . Now to your post: yeah, its halloween weekend right, so only natural to have lots of party plans. Try again wednesday or so for this coming weekend, and see what she says. Like reeba said above, if u can't settle on something, she has your info.

    And yes, i'm with your buddies on this one. She was probably hoping you'd kiss her.. also, that means you didn't go in for at least a huh before you dropped her of at the car? That's usually a good place to start. And odds are, if she asked you to come back for a hug, it means shes interested/had a good time, or else she would have let you walk away.

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